poppy field


Branch News

Articles from Tollesbury Branch that may be of interest to Branch Members.

Until further notice, all Branch meetings and planned events are cancelled.

Branch Community Support representatives and supporters should not have ‘face to face’ visits and as there will probably be an increasing demand for telephone buddies to assist those who are socially isolated, anyone wanting to become a telephone buddy, please let the MSO know at msoessex@britishlegion.org.uk or tel. 01245 347123.

If any Member would like more information regarding any mentioned item, then please contact a Branch Committee Member for more information.

Tollesbury Branch asks that all Members continue to observe social distancing rules. Social distancing means being 2m away from people who are not members of your own household.

Please follow the government guidelines on social distancing.

50th Anniversary Pennant: As the RBL’s records show that Tollesbury Branch formation date was 30th May 1947 we have now applied for our 50th Anniversary Pennant. Next year we will apply for the 75th Anniversary Pennant.

Marking the Centenary of the RBL – 15TH May 2021: Tollesbury Branch has been requested to lay a wreath at the War Memorial at 09.00 on the 15th May to coincide with the laying of the wreath at the Cenotaph, to commemorate the RBL’s Centenary. The wreath has been ordered for this occasion. The church wardens have granted permission for this event with the reading being carried out by Tracey, the Priest in Charge. John Clarkson, the Branch’s Standard Bearer, will carry the Standard. Unfortunately, Peter Sheldrick, the Branch’s regular bugler, is unavailable that day to play the Last Post and the Branch asks if there is anyone who can play the Last Post at 09.00 on Saturday 15th May to contact Malcolm Cousens, Branch Chairman on 07927 610399.

May 2021

MSO Update 02/05/21

Please be aware of the following SCAM in operation: National Insurance number ‘compromised’ cold call - An official sounding voice usually claiming to be from the National Crime Agency or National Office for Serious Crimes has been cold calling unsuspecting members of the public, asking them to call back urgently. It may state that your National Insurance number has been compromised, but it’s an attempt to get you to hand over your personal details. You may receive it in the form of a pre-recorded message or phone call that sounds threatening, so please do ignore it. Here’s how fraudsters may pressure you into giving up your details and how you can protect yourself. 

Five things to say to doorstep scammers - Here’s a short video explaining what you can say if a stranger comes knocking at your door.

April 2021

One Legion Strategy Update 22/04/21

Message from the County Chairman: Part of the message is as follows -

“Delivering Welfare services – A large injection of funds over the next three years is welcomed, as is the improved support for individual veterans and their families.

Closure of Pop-in Centres – This will mean the closure of ALL (but 5) Area Offices, Pop-In Centres and any County Offices that are funded by Head Office.  Apparently, it has been found over the past 10 years that the Area Offices have been under used.  The pandemic has shown that MSO and Area staff can work successfully from home with the right equipment, and they will not lose their jobs as their contracts already cover working from home.  Other staff may have to be reassigned. There will be no change to the status of branches or their premises/accommodation which may be used/rented to facilitate meetings and courses etc.  Essex County office already operates from the Chelmsford branch premises and the Board of Management & County Committee regularly meet there.

You will still be able to contact County, Groups and Branches in the normal way and the Area Office/Welfare services will still function but via their individual mobile numbers where applicable.  Veterans requiring help and assistance can still get in touch with the Contact Centre. Members are actively asked to comment on these proposals via info@britishlegion.org.uk.” A copy of the Strategy is attached to this report.

Covid-19 Pandemic Guidelines Update 22/04/21

Message from the National Chairman: Part of this message includes “Standard Bearers can now attend funerals if invited by the family of the deceased, provided they are included in the number of people allowed to be at the funeral. Each Standard Bearer should continue to monitor local situation and most importantly their own health to ensure they stay safe and keep everyone else safe.”

MSO Update 11/04/21

Group Re-alignment: Essex RBL Group Re-alignment was agreed by the County Committee on 27th March 2021. ‘G’ Group now includes Braintree and Bocking (from ‘B’ Group), Burnham-on-Crouch, Halstead (from ‘B’ Group), Hedinghams (from ‘B’ Group), Kelvedon (from ‘B’ Group), Maldon and Heybridge, Tollesbury and Witham.

Scam emails: Some useful links to review regarding scam emails –

Action Fraud have put together a list of scams we should all be aware of regarding Covid-19 and lockdown. More information can be found at: Action Fraud website

The Friends Against Scams partnership have also created a fact sheet to help raise awareness on coronavirus scams. Friends Against Scams help to protect and prevent people from becoming victims of scams. The fact sheet as well as information about becoming a Friend Against Scams and the free online awareness training available can be found on the Friends Against Scams website.

Annual Conference 2021 March Special Circular

This Annual Conference will be held virtually on Saturday 15th May.to celebrate the RBL’s 100th birthday while also ensuring the safety of their Members. To register as a visitor and/or receive instructions on how to watch the event directly to your email address visit 723120_march-special-circular-2021.pdf (emlfiles4.com).

Membership E-newsletter – April 2021

Letters & Artefacts Documenting the RBL’s Rich 100 Years History: Over the 100 years there have been many significant moments in the charity’s history. To view the photos relating to some of the letters visit 725059_unique-artefacts-from-the-rbls-first-century.pdf (emlfiles4.com).

Planning a Centenary Event?: The RBL would like to know of any events, no matter how small or large, being organised celebrating the centenary of the charity. To register visit Celebrating Together (britishlegion.org.uk). Downloading event assets including bunting and posters is also available. For inspiration visit the Event Brochure at 726580_celebrating-together-pack.pdf (emlfiles4.com). For more information go to Members Brand Page | Membership | Royal British Legion.

A Shared Centenary Partnership with ATCO Lawnmowers: Both the RBL and ATCO were formed in 1921 and are celebrating 100 years by working in partnership. During WWll the ATCO factory produced a range of vital equipment for the allied forces, including an impressive 100,000 mess tins. Throughout 2021, ATCO is donating a portion of sales from three mowers in its range, which are decorated with a special centenary logo. So, if you are in the mood to cut the grass and need a new mower visit RBL Partnership (atco.co.uk).

March 2021

H8r0es Partnership

Russian Arctic Convoy Museum (RACM): To raise awareness of the sacrifices made by all those who served on WWll, with RACM being a supported charity in the H8r0es Partnership, for each RACM badge sold the museum will receive a donation of £5, £10 or £15. Look at the website www.h8r0es.com/racmp.

Membership E-newsletter – March 2021

Commonwealth Women serving in the UK Armed Forces: To mark Commonwealth Day and International Women’s Day there is an article on how the role of women in the Armed Forces has changed over the years, highlighting Commonwealth Women’s contributions. Women in Commonwealth have played vital roles in conflicts, from WWl to modern day. Currently around 11% of serving personnel are women and the Armed Forces employ about 4500 Commonwealth citizens. To find out how women’s roles have changed over the last 100 years visit Commonwealth Day | Remembrance Events | Royal British Legion.

Report on the Impact of the Armed Forces Covenant: To mark the ten-year anniversary of the Covenant, the RBL is producing a report reflecting on its impact on the wellbeing of serving personnel, veterans and their families. As part of the report, the RBL would like to hear your views by completing a short survey on The Royal British Legion - Covenant Review - Members' Survey (surveymonkey.co.uk) for the impact the covenant has had and how it can be improved.

Limited edition RBL centenary teddy bear: To celebrate the RBL’s centenary, partnering with Britain’s oldest surviving teddy bear manufacturer ‘Merrythought’, a limited edition handmade bear has been created. Attached to the bear’s breast pocket are medals – the 1914-15 Star, British War Medal and the Victory Medal. The bear also wears a lapel Poppy pin and a beret that has a Poppy cap badge. For every purchase, a minimum donation of £25/bear will be paid to the RBL. The cost is £299.00, plus postage and handling and can be paid in full or in five monthly instalments. This can be pre-ordered for July delivery at The Royal British Legion Centenary Bear | Danbury Mint

MSO Update 10/03/21

Annual Conference 2021: This will be held virtually on Saturday 15th May to celebrate the RBL’s 100th birthday. It will follow last year’s format with Members being able watch the live streamed Annual Conference from their home with Branch delegates able to discuss and vote on motions online. To register as a visitor complete the online form at

Annual Conference | Membership | Royal British Legion and to register as a delegate by using the app on the Membership Administration Portal, both by Friday 2nd April. All who register successfully will receive an email with all relevant information. Anyone unable to use these online forms to contact the Membership Support Officer or the Annual Conference team at annualconference@britishlegion.org.uk.

Lapsing Update: Lapsing of anyone who was due to pay on or before 01/10/20 have now been lapsed. This equates to 24k members (nationally, not Tollesbury Branch!!!)

MSO Update 03/03/21

Updated Membership Management Handbook (MMH): The Head of Membership Administration, Governance and Compliance has stated that this updated Handbook has recently been approved by the Membership Council and been refreshed in line with the new Brand. Changes to this update include: Rules around multiple membership, more details on Membership Groups and revised MS1 form where a BCS Rep is no longer a compulsory Branch Committee appointment.

Poppy Appeal 2020: A message from the Director of Fundraising and Membership states that despite the challenges of the pandemic the income raised from the Poppy Appeal so far is £24 million, Online donations were very popular, Poppy Shop merchandise was in high demand with Poppies in the Post, Text to Donate and Fund Raising Packs being in high demand while the virtual Poppy Run raised over £1 million. Work has already begun on the 2021 Appeal.

February 2021

County Newsletter February 2021

County Chairman’s Remarks: “County Plan - As your County Chairman it is my duty to report to Conference on our performance against the key objectives and targets set out in last year’s county plan. All of our branches have had a copy of the report and it is worth noting that although there were a great many challenges in the six months to September, a large proportion of our targets were actually met before the first lockdown in March.

Poppy appeal 2019-20 - For the year to 30th September the national poppy appeal stands at £44,180,209.13 and the Essex total stands at £1,380,229.51. Both a little down on last year’s totals but this is quite understandable in the current pandemic. Unfortunately, 2020-21 will be even harder; once the first lockdown started it became clear that it was going to be a difficult year. Many branches reported that they were able to collect within the guidelines but as the Poppy Appeal started, we were all forced into the second lock-down starting in the middle of the second week. Let’s hope the remainder of 2020-21 gives us opportunities to catch up.

Welfare - Over the last twelve months we have continued to see an increase in eligible beneficiaries seeking help. During the first Lockdown, the external grants team at head office requested County to help the ’behind the wire’ charity which supports Veterans with drink, drugs and PTSD problems in Norfolk, Suffolk and Essex. In response to that request the County Committee authorised a grant of £27,136.00. This will be a one-off payment which we are assured will not be requested again. In addition, the county continues to donate between 20 & 30% towards the quarterly almonisation requests from Head Office And our two welfare accounts currently stand at a total of £126,198.13. In the past 12 months we have donated the above one-off Grant plus £28,626.84 to almonisation; and we have received £7,279 from branches. A further £14,600 was received from the Rotary club of Chelmsford. You will see from these figures that our welfare account is looking quite depleted compared to previous years and as I said last year, we cannot sustain this kind of expenditure from the Account without your help! The need does not diminish – please keep sending your donations to the county welfare account.

Membership - On the positive side, we still have 62 branches although a few are starting to become county supported and two will close shortly (2021). Membership within the county was up on the previous 12 months. Admittedly only an increase of 17 members (0.02%) to 10,447 but yet another increase nevertheless as we continue to buck the national average. Please keep up the good work.

Finance - Once again, I have to say a big thank you to everyone for the second year of effort in getting so many accounts in by the end of September. In fact, as at the middle of December all 62 Branch accounts were in. 61 accounts came in by the cut-off date which means we managed to achieve 99% submission, an Increase of 4% on the previous year. Of the 7 group accounts all are accounted for. Dudley and I kept the pressure on all account holders to get them in even though we were in lock-down. The Legion cannot finalise their finances unless these accounts are submitted in time so we need them to get to the MSO’s well before the 30th September. A week early would be very helpful as they have to then get them to head office before the end date. This year, Clearly, we couldn’t meet treasurers, but in future we will continue to run surgeries which certainly show that we can achieve our aim of getting as many accounts in as possible – 100% would be great!

Groups - Just a reminder that the group realignments proposed for last July will now go ahead in July 2021 as indicated at the start of the first lock-down. The March County Committee meeting will focus on the detail for the realignments and any necessary group officer elections. In conclusion Essex remains blessed with a superb team of MSOs who are not always appreciated. On your behalf I want to publicly thank Sandra Bromley (Suffolk MSO) who took over support for the County while Leigh was on furlough, Leigh herself and latterly Kelly Dudley, on maternity cover for Victoria, all great assets for the County. I would also like to thank the members of the County Committee For their assistance in the running of the County and in particular the Board of Management for taking on responsibility for overseeing the group structure. Finally, the members for their efforts on behalf of the Legion and for their continued support of the Legion’s aims and objectives; also, for their very warm welcome and hospitality whenever Georgina and I have visited. Thank you all and please stay safe.”

Essex County Vice Chairman/County Treasurer - A Naslund

The RBL Essex Welfare Fund is a victim of the current pandemic, the past year for the County welfare fund has been very lonely ! Branches and Clubs being closed obviously was not conducive to raising funds, however I must thank those who have generously donated. We have nevertheless had a modicum of success during this period. You may be aware that early last year I was invited to speak at a meeting of the Chelmer Rotary club (Chelmsford) which resulted in a donation of £14,600. Furthermore, they have now agreed to donate a further £8400. Great news ! For the past couple of years I have been forging links with the Essex Provincial Masonic Grand Lodge (approx. 10,000 members, 320 lodges, in Essex) and have received small donations from individual lodges. I am now delighted to inform you that following much dialogue during these difficult times, I have received £10,000 from the ' Essex Freemasons' Charity Fund '. This is part of their recent initiative ' Freemasonry in the Community '. Hopefully when the pandemic is finally over, we will be able to return to our branch meetings, fund raising etc, and replenish our welfare funds.”

MSO Update 17/02/21

BCS Volunteer Communications Role: The RBL are looking for a Branch Community Support Communications Volunteer which will be a remote role, based from home with the opportunity for occasional travel. There will be a regular commitment of between 8-14 hours/month, which will be agreed with the BCS team. If this is of interest and you require additional information on this role, contact Matt Ford, BCS Partnership Development Officer, at mford@britishlegion.org.uk.

MSO Update 10/02/21

Membership Lapsing: All Members (bulk and anniversary) who were due to renew on or before 01/10/2020 will have lapsed their membership. Confirmation of the lapsing will be confirmed as taken place. Malcolm Cousens, Branch Chairman, has sent out an email to all Tollesbury Members stating this.

New Membership Fee: As was decided and agreed at Septembers Annual Conference , the Membership fee will increase by £1 to £18. The RBL will be communicating this to their Members, staff and Branch officials. The motion to increase the fee was submitted and Members (conference delegates) passed it with a majority vote and to implement this change which is scheduled for April 1st 2021. Renewal letters will be sent out 6 weeks prior to renewal. For more information email membershipservices@britishlegion.org.uk.

Handbook: The County Handbook is currently being prepared and will include all Branch/Group Secretary, Branch/Group Chairman, County Committee appointments.

BCS Briefing – February 2021: Branch Community Support (BCS) is the first level of support offered by the RBL with 880 Branches now registered and delivering support. Legion Branches are at the heart of our communities and, with a network of 2,500 branches across the British Isles and Overseas, we have the potential to offer support to the Armed Forces Community wherever there is a need. Branch Community Support is the first level of support offered by the Royal British Legion and the key services are: a) Home and Hospital visits b) Telephone Buddy calls c) Awareness events d) Bereavement (Funeral representation i.e. Standard Bearer attendance f) Local touchpoints (UK only – and subject to Area Manager approval).

At present, due to the Coronavirus pandemic, we are following national government guidance to ensure we only carry out Telephone buddy calls to protect both Beneficiaries and our Branch Community Support volunteers.  As we emerge into a post Covid world we want to see what other activities our Branches would like to do to support communities.

Previous News

MSO Update 15/01/21

Membership Council Elections: The Elections for the Area Membership Council Reps have been completed and that Mr. John Boisson has been elected as the East Anglia and Essex MC Rep and will serve for 3 years from May 2021. The new Director of Membership has also been announced a, Janet Talman, who will begin the role in March 2021.

Scams & Malicious Calls: There are numerous scams doing the rounds at the moment so please keep yourselves safe and protect yourselves from these criminals. a) Never give bank details over the phone or via email unless you can definitely confirm who you are communicating with; b) Never go to a website address if asked to do so over the phone; c) Do not click on any embedded link in an email or website that you are not sure of; d) Carefully check emails from financial institutions or other service providers, it may look genuine, but it could be a hoax; e) Remember, banks and building societies will never ask for your account details over the phone or by email, if in doubt contact your provider directly; f)

If you do receive a scam call or email, you can report them to:

Membership E-Newsletter – January 2021

Celebrate 100 Years of Supporting the Armed Forces Community: An article from the National Chairman stating that those returning from the war 100 years ago found that their land was not fit for heroes which was the trigger for forming the Legion in 1921, when Members provided for their welfare in a most caring way. This January we begin our celebrations recognising the 100 years of support that we couldn’t have achieved without Members supporting our Armed Forces community.

Telling Our Story Through 100 Years of our Members: As the Legion’s centenary approaches the RBL are collecting Member’s stories, photos and memorabilia for a digital library to showcase everything the Legion has achieved in their first 100 years. Nothing is too old or too new, too big or too small. It is important that every Member has the opportunity to tell their story and celebrate all that the RBL does. Look at Telling our story | Legion 100 | Royal British Legion to find out more.

Calling All Golfers: Are you aware of the British Legion Golf Programme? There are hundreds of Golf Clubs taking part each year supporting their fundraising efforts. If you are a Member of a Golf Club you can get your Club involved and encourage them to host a tournament to help the Legion’s Poppy Appeal, only when Covid-19 restrictions permit you to do so. Find out more at Poppy Golf | Fundraising Events | Royal British Legion or by contacting Peter Smith at peter.poppygolf@gmail.com.

MSO Update 08/01/21

Standard Bearers attending Funerals Guidance in National Lockdown: A message from Una Cleminson, National Chairman states that having received a number of enquiries regarding Standard Bearers attending funerals during this latest lockdown, noting that this latest strain of the virus is more contagious and that more people are at risk of infection, taking guidance from the Ceremonial Working Group and the Membership Council, a decision has been taking that Standard Bearers and Members should not attend any funeral in a Legion capacity until advised otherwise.

Message from the BCS Team regarding the latest COVID Lockdown: A reminder that Branches carrying out Branch Community Support that the only activity that should be being carried out is Telephone Buddies and reminds Branches that under no circumstances should Branch Supporters be entering the homes of people they are supporting.

Letters from Dutch Children to WW2 Veterans: The RBL Has Been approached by the Foreign & Commonwealth Office (FCO) in the Hague, who on behalf of the Dutch authorities are trying to find relevant contact details of WW2 veterans (who passed through or helped liberate the Netherlands in WW2) so that Dutch children can write them letters of thanks around the time of VJ-Day 76. I think this should read ‘VE-Day76. The information reads “We have been asked to assist  the organisers of the Wageningen Liberation Parade, who are a part of the Netherlands 4-5 May Committee. They are collating a list of all of the surviving veterans from World War II who were active in the Netherlands as they would like to send a letter to them written by Dutch children. The 75th Anniversary Parade and events were cancelled in 2020 and they were hoping to be able to have a 75th+1 event, but they feel that it is unlikely they will be able to in 2021. Therefore they would like to take the opportunity to send a letter to thank the veterans and to let them know that they are remembered by a grateful nation, regardless of the current situation.” The Defence Team in the Hague have provided this address TheHagueDefenceTeam@fco.gov.uk that any interested veterans or their families can pass relevant contact details to.  

December 2020

MSO Update 17/12/20

Telling Our Story: To celebrate the centenary, the RBL wants to showcase the incredible work that their Members, staff and volunteers have made happen through the last 100 years in our communities. If you have a story to tell either in writing, audio or video, then email it along with

any photos that would accompany it to ‘tellingourstory@britishlegion.org.uk’.

MSO Update 11/12/20

New Legion Brand Identity: The launch of the new brand identity will take place on 26th January 2021. As the RBL plans to celebrate their centenary this year, they need a consistent and clear identity that helps everyone to easily find them, understand who they are and the wide range of things that they do for the Armed Forces community. There will also be a new design of the RBL logo and the format of the lettering under ‘RBL’ in the logo has been inspired by the grave of the Unknown Warrior at Westminster Abbey. There will be a ‘no waste’ approach, meaning that any existing materials with the current brand identity should be used up first.

MSO Update 04/12/20

The Standard: Re-launch: This newsletter is being re-launched and becomes a bi-monthly publication for the Standard Bearers, County Officials, Branch Officials and others who may find it interesting. The demise of this publication 18 months ago, was due to the lack of stories and photos being sent in for submission, therefore, to keep this going through 2021, articles and photos on activities we have undertaken are welcome.

Armed Forces Day: The RBL have been invited to join Colchester Garrison in their celebration on Saturday 26th June 2021. The day will have a similar format to 2019 and involve a Parade of Standards, Veterans and Cadets. More information will follow in due course.