poppy field


February 2020 Minutes

The Royal British Legion – Tollesbury Branch

Minutes from the Branch meeting held in the Legion Clubhouse on Wednesday 5th February 2020.

  1. The Exhortation and Silent Tribute was led by C Cousens.
  2. Present: A Kersey, A Potts (Treasurer), J Clarkson (Standard Bearer), C Cousens, D Cousens, J M Clarkson, R Loman
  3. Apologies for absence: J Clarkson M, Cousens, K Mc Donald.
  4. New members: H Clover & T Lowther
  5. Minutes of the previous meeting: Approved and filed by the Secretary.
  6. Matters arising: None
  7. Secretary’s report and correspondence: Report included MSO’s weekly updates and E-Newsletters. Any member wishing to receive the round-up reports by e-mail please contact M Cousens with your e-mail address. A copy of all the Minutes and correspondence are held in the Clubhouse for any member wishing to view them.
  1. Treasurer’s report: Sufficient funds to meet Branch commitments.
  2. Standard Bearer’s report: attended the Essex Annual Conference at Tilbury with the Standard.
  3. Membership: There are 261 members including 35 outstanding memberships. For those members who want to continue to pay by cash, using the barcode on your renewal letter which when taken to a local shop that has PayPoint facilities can scanned when your renewal fee is taken by the shop staff. Please retain your receipt until your new membership card arrives. The club bar staff will also accept your cash & cheque payments – please if you have it include your renewal letter as this has your membership number which will assist the membership secretary to process your payment. Please leave your cash or cheque in a sealed envelope with a member of the bar staff
  4. Poppy Appeal: Following a donation from Woodrolfe Lodge the total now stands at £6551.47.
  5. Date of the next General Committee meeting: Wednesday 4th March 2020 commencing 7.15pm. All members invited to attend.

The meeting closed at 8.05pm.

N.B. Applicants for membership will be welcomed to the Branch on Wednesday 4th March 2020.

Welfare Notice: Tollesbury RBL Branch Committee reminds people that there are a range of services & provisions available to ex-service personnel and their dependants. If you feel that the RBL can assist, please contact Mr M Cousens (Chairman) on Tel: 01621 868124.