poppy field


Armed Forces Day 2012 in Tokyo

Tokyo Branch marked UK Armed Forces Day 2012 with a celebratory dinner in the prestigious Wellington Room of the New Sanno Hotel, Hiroo, Tokyo on the evening of Saturday, 30 June 2012.

The lavish surroundings and sumptuous menu items may have contrasted with the frugal mess halls and plain rations consumed by Service men and women on active duty in war zones around the world, but their brave sacrifices were not far from the minds of all participants as they honoured the contributions of all members of the Armed Services, past and present, to the freedoms we enjoy today.

While speeches were kept to a minimum in order to maximise the gastronomic experience, our Vice President and our Chairman on behalf of our members saluted British troops, veterans and their families at home and abroad with expressions of appreciation and support, pledging that their work for peace will never be forgotten. A good night was had by all at this superb banquet dedicated to all members of the UK Armed Forces community.


Tokyo Branch celebrates Armed Forces Day 2012 in style 

AFD 2012A 

AFD 2012B