poppy field


Our branch officers are:

Branch Officers
President H.E. Julia Longbottom CMG, British Ambassador
Vice President Capt Simon Staley, RN, Defence Attache
Chairman Mr Arthur Hawtin
Vice Chairman Mr Charles Bentley
Secretary Mr Mark Darbyshire
Treasurer Mr Colin Mason
Membership Secretary Mr Charles Bentley
Welfare Representative Charles Bentley
Social Events Secretary Mr Charles Bentley
Standard Bearer To be advised
Poppy Appeal Organiser Mr Arthur Hawtin


For membership enquiries: Contact us via our Membership Secretary, Mr Charles Bentley by email

To join: Download a Membership Application Form.

Membership Application Form: Cash Payers Only (Excel format)

Membership Application Form: Cash Payers Only (PDF format)

Membership Application Form: Cash/Cheque/Direct Debit from UK Bank Account (PDF format)

Please complete the form and send it to:

Mr Charles Bentley,
222 Osakaue Mansions, 
2034-1 Totsuka-cho, Totsuka-ku,
Yokohama 244-0003, Japan

For matters other than membership enquiries: Contact us via Branch Secretary Mr Mark Darbyshire by email