poppy field



Here at Tipton Branch we pride ourselves on having a very wide ranging membership. They include World War II veterans through to teenagers. We have many ex-service members as well as those who have never served.

We have a very active calendar both supporting our veterans and active service men and women as well as raising fund for our charity the Poppy Appeal. However it's not all work. We have a excellent social side and often meet for various events including meals and day trips to ensure the comradery, that people expect from a military based organisation, is at the heart of what we do.

We meet on a monthly basis (except January) at the Tipton Sports and Social Club, Sedgley Road East, Tipton  and welcome all members of the local community. Many visitors go on to become members of the Branch as it only costs £17.00 per year.

If you would like to join the branch then either come along to one of our meetings or fill in a membership form and return it to us at:

Tipton Royal British Legion
38,Elizabeth Walk,Tipton,