poppy field


The Royal British Legion is recognised as the national custodian of Remembrance.

Remembrance Sunday, the second Sunday in November, is the day traditionally put aside to remember all those who have given their lives for the peace and freedom we enjoy today.

Tideford and St Germans Royal British Legion would like to thank all those who helped collect for the Poppy Appeal during Remembrance - all the businesses, pubs, schools, shops, restaurants and individuals who distribute the poppies for us. 

If there is anyone who would like to lay a personal wreath or lay one on behalf of service organisation or civilian society you will be very welcome to do so.  Please contact Clare Hicks, Poppy Appeal Co-ordinator, by early June via email:


We will be able to advise you on cost and order for you.

View our News & Events calendar for details of local Remembrance events.