poppy field

Thorner & Scarcroft

The Poppy Appeal in Thorner & Scarcroft

Thorner & Scarcroft Branch has shown its fundraising skills by once again improving on its Poppy

Appeal total. We've topped £6000 passing last year's final total of £5600.


A big thank you to all the people of Thorner & Scarcroft and the surrounding areas who have been so

generous again in supporting this worthy cause.


Anyone interested in helping in the next Poppy Appeal should contact our Poppy Appeal Organiser

(PAO) on 0113 2896944 and shanehaywardgiles@hotmail.com

Poppy People

Anyone interested in joining the Thorner & Scarcroft Branch or wishing to find out more about the

workings and activities of the branch or the Royal British Legion in general, can contact David A. Fryer

on 0113 2893067 / 07932 497302 and e.mail david.fryer44@gmail.com