poppy field


The Poppy Appeal in Thorne & District


During 2018/19 the Thorne & District Royal British Legion raised £33,395.52 for the Poppy Appeal, which is a new record. 

The money was donated by the community of Thorne & Moorends, business, schools and the wider community. This was down to hard work and dedication of branch members, volunteers and the support of public and businesses that support the Poppy Appeal every year. Thank you.  

The Poppy Appeal 2019/20

The Poppy Appeal this year starts on the 25 October and ends on the 9 November. Representatives will be fundraising in Sainsbury’s, Aldi, Lidl and the MOTO Service Station (M18). Poppies and RBL Memorabilia will also be available for a donation in shops, businesses, pubs and schools.  

 Volunteers Required

The Branch has more fundraising locations than it has people to man them, we would like to ask members of the public to give up a few hours of their time to help support the vital work provide by The Royal British Legion in support of our Serving Armed Forces personnel, veterans and their families. Over the last year the RBL has spent over £84 million in support of our Armed Forces of which the Poppy Appeal contributed over £51.5 million, which was a new record for the UK.

The Branch would like to thank the public of Thorne and Moorends for their continuing support and if you would like to Volunteer please contact the Poppy Appeal Organiser, Caroline Robinson, details below.

Ordering Wreaths

If you would like to order a wreath, they must be ordered by the 15th of October please use the contact details below.

Contact our Poppy Appeal Coordinator Caroline Robinson  Phone 01405 818724  email Arthur-caroline@hotmail.com