poppy field

The Village

Apply for Membership online!

Applications for membership can now be processed online.  To apply, please use the following link.


We regret that Youth membership is NOT available online as a parent/guardian has to sign the form. 

Membership applications can also be processed by phoning 0800 802 80800800 802 8080 FREE.

Membership fees are currently as follows -

Affiliation Fee    £16.00 per Member plus £0.50 for the Branch Administration Fee.

Please note that the £0.50 Administration Fee will be reviewed at the AGM on 16 November 2015 when Members will be asked to vote on whether to increase this to £3.50 per person, making the total Membership cost for Village Branch Members of £19.50 per annum.

Note .....  the Affiliation Fee goes directly to The Royal British Legion.  The Branch Administration Fee is intended to help cover the Village Branch's running expenses.