poppy field

The Village

 The Branch AGM was held on Monday, 25 November 2019.  The following Officer and Committee roles were agreed and confirmed at this meeting.  These are -

Branch Officers

President LtCol (Ret'd) D "Hobo" Hobson
Vice-President  *** Not filled ***
Chairman Steve Hammond
Vice-Chairman Bill Brownlie
Secretary and Membership Secretary Ms Tammy Howard
Treasurer Ms Mandy Sweeney

Co-opted Committee Members

Membership Secretary *** Not filled ***
Poppy Appeal Organiser Ms Nicki Smith
Events Coordinator  Ms Penny Dyson
Website & Communications Mike Smith
Youth Coordinator  *** To be appointed ***
Standard Bearer Mr Phil Bushell
Branch Padre  *** To be appointed ***

The next Committee and Branch Meeting will be held on Monday, 10 February 2020 at the Capel Morris Centre on the Royal British Legion Village.  The meeting will start at 5:30pm and will be followed by a social evening.  All existing members and those interested to find out more about us will be welcomed!

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