poppy field


The Poppy Appeal in Thaxted & District


Thaxted & District Branch raised over £8000 for the Poppy Appeal 2023

2023 - £8012.67

2018 - £8400

2017 - £

2016 - £

2015 - £

2014 - £

2013 - £5818.44

2012 - £5163.32

2011 - £4,138.70

2010 - £3,464.00

2009 - £3,307.46

A Very BIG Well Done everybody, and a BIG Thank You to all the people of Thaxted and District who have been so generous again this year and dug deep in a difficult finacial year. 

Poppy People

Anyone interested in helping in the next Poppy Appeal should contact our Poppy Appeal Coordinator, David Hewitt at RBLThaxted@gmail.com.