Poppy Appeal Wreath Range 2024
Requests for wreaths:
Please contact your local Poppy Appeal Organiser to order your wreath. Please apply early for
wreaths needed for Remembrance as demand is high from October onwards. Orders received
after the third week of October cannot be guaranteed for Remembrance Day.

Local Contact Details
Poppy Appeal Organiser: ANDY PARKER
District Name: TEWKESBURY
Contact No. / Email Address: 07963 375668 / poppyappeal@andyparker.net
District Ref *:MCF11
*Please include the district reference at the start of the reference field, when paying by BACs.
Our type C and type K wreaths can accommodate a central badge, for the additional cost of £2.50.
There are over three thousand badges available, including Services and Associations. If you would like to request a badge please inform the Poppy Appeal Organiser or ask when you call the RBL directly.
Inscribed ribbons:
Ribbons with the following wording (in gold letters printed on a blue ribbon) can be ordered to be attached to any standard wreath for the additional cost of £2.25.
Lest we Forget I/ Remembrance I /In Loving Memory
If you would like to request a ribbon to be added, please inform the Poppy Appeal Organiser or ask when you call the RBL directly. These can be added to A, B, F, J and L wreaths only. The cost of any additional badge or ribbon should be included in your total wreath payment.
Wreath cards:
Wreath tribute cards are made from a fibreboard that is fully recyclable. These should be written on with a ballpoint/ biro pen which does not fade and holds the ink colour. These cards will remain fully intact for a minimum period of 8 weeks and are made from sustainable sources.
Wreath payments:
The prices of wreaths are displayed against the images, please add the cost of the badge /
ribbon if ordered. Payment to the Poppy Appeal Organiser can be made by cash, cheque or BACs (if absolutely necessary) and in some instances by card.
Cheques should be made payable to the Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal. Do not send cash through the post.
You can also include a donation with your payment, should you choose to do so. Alternatively, you can place your order directly by calling 0345 8451945, select option 2 and make a credit or debit card payment when you place your order.
If you would like to pay by BACs,- as a last resort please - use the information below, remembering to add the district reference, stated over the page, to enable the payment to be reconciled. When paying by BACs we also ask that you send an email to poppyappealpayments@britishlegion.org.uk with details of your BACs donation including the reference code.
Bank Account Name: RBL Poppy Appeal
Sort Code: 30-11-75
Bank Account No: 01937121
Methods of despatch:
Wreaths are sent by post. Please allow at least ten working days for delivery.
Overseas wreath laying service:
During the review of the service, we spoke to our overseas volunteers and sadly, not all can continue. We are currently limited to Types A or B wreaths being placed in France, Germany, Cyprus, Belgium, Thailand, Gibraltar and Guernsey, and at selected cemeteries only.
Only B wreaths may be placed in the Falklands. Badged and ribboned wreaths are not available under this scheme. Please make requests for the laying of wreaths at least eight weeks in advance. Costs are as shown against the relevant wreath.
If we cannot commit to placing a wreath at a chosen cemetery, we are happy to talk through alternative options, which could include having the wreath placed at the NMA, at a chosen memorial.
Please call 0345 8451945 to request this service.