poppy field


The Poppy Appeal

In 2024...


A very big THANK YOU to all of you who volunteered to collect for this year's Poppy Appeal in October and November and to all who made a donation to our charity. 

Bearing in mind that the 2024 - 2025 Poppy Appeal year still has 10 months to run,  since 1st October in Tewkesbury and the surrounding area we have raised an amazing £38,779.87p 

so far...



In 2023...

A huge thank you to all who have contributed to the Poppy Appeal 2023/2024.  This years total stands at £40,839.02.

Our Thank You, goes to all the people in the Tewkesbury area who have been so unstinting in your support of the Poppy Appeal over the years.


In 2022...

You have once again shown your amazing generosity, we raised over £32,220.00 of donations to the Poppy Appeal in 2022/23.


TO NOTE: This brings our total to over £375,000 over the past 11 years.


For more details of fundraising events and this years Poppy Appeal, including details about Poppy wreaths, please go to our News & Events page or follow Poppy Appeal Gloucestershire on Facebook at @PoppyAppealGlos 

If anyone is interested in helping with the Poppy Appeal or taking over as the Poppy Appeal Organiser for Tewkesbury, please contact your current Poppy Appeal Organiser, Andy Parker, on 07963 375668 or by email at poppyappeal@andyparker.net 


Useful Links:

Tewkesbury RBL Branch on Facebook: @royalbritishlegionTewkesbury

Gloucestershire Poppy Appeal on Facebook: PoppyAppealGlos

The Royal British Legion Website: www.britishlegion.org.uk

Poppy Appeal Website Page: www.rbl.org.uk/poppyappeal

Poppy Appeal onTwitter: @PoppyLegion

