poppy field


Remembrance Events - 2020

Whether you're at an organised event, in your home, outside your front door, in a private space or in a socially distanced public area, we ask that you to stand silently for 2 minutes at the appointed hour of 11:00am on Remembrance Sunday and again on 11th November, to show your respect for the fallen.


Remembrance Service at Tewkesbury Abbey

Sunday 8th November 2020 @ 10:30am

2020 was a year like no other we have experienced. The restrictions on large gatherings mean that unfortunately we were not able to parade as normal and meet up to remember together on Remembrance Sunday as in previous years.

However, that did not mean that Tewkesbury would not be remembering the fallen.  

Unfortunately, the socially distanced service at Tewkesbury Abbey which had been organised by the Town Council was cancelled at short notice due to the second National Lockdown.  Organisations who would normally parade on Remembrance Sunday were still able to lay wreaths at the Abbey and a few people also gathered at the Cross to pay their respects.