poppy field


The Poppy Appeal in Swadlincote

Our 2022 Appeal ended on 30 September having reached an amazing £51,118.60*. This is just over £160 above our 2021 total and the third highest amount in our history.
*This total is still awaiting final confirmation. 

Our 2023 appeal has already got off to a great start with two donations totaling £1,350, made in memory of departed loved ones. Our annual Ride for Remembrance took place on 15 October and raised a further £1,217.33.

Collections took take place in 3 supermarkets and over 150 tins and poppy boxes were also distributed around the local area. These are currently being gathered in and counted.

On 4 November this year we held a Poppy Proms Concert at Gresley Old Hall. Although the final total is still to be confirmed we know that we have raised over £1,000. 

Our 2023 Appeal currently stands at £50,119.18. 

We would like to say a massive Thank You to all the people of Swadlincote & South Derbyshire who continue to be so supportive - your donations are very much appreciated.

To mark our Centenary in 2021 we introduced our Centenary Awards for those who have gone above and beyond when it comes to raising funds for the Poppy Appeal. 

Find out who our 2022 Centenary Award Winners were here.

If you would like to help with the Poppy Appeal by collecting, driving or counting we would love to hear from you - It's never too early to volunteer - WE FUNDRAISE ALL YEAR ROUND

FIND OUT MORE ONLINE or Call our Poppy Appeal Organiser
