poppy field

Sutton Scotney & District

Women's Section Badge

Sutton Scotney & District Branch of the Royal British Legion Women's Section



If you're looking for friendship, enjoy fundraising but most of all fun then please do get in touch.

The British Legion Women’s Section was formed in 1921 to safeguard the interests of widows and families of ex-Servicemen.  It was also to provide a way for women to be a part of the British Legion and widen its activities.  The Women’s Section is autonomous and self-funding.

Find out more about the Women's Section at a National level.

The Sutton Scotney branch (branch number: WS BR3981), formed in 1954, is a small branch, and so we are always looking for new members, yet we have a very busy programme of events throughout the year.  Please see our events page.

In 2024 we shall be celebrating our 70th Anniversary.