poppy field

Stockton & Yarm

The Poppy Appeal in Stockton and Yarm

Poppy Appeal Organisers:

Our area has increased so we now have 3 Poppy Appeal Co-ordinators, Lin & Rob Simpson and John Thompson. Organisers  details are below;

Anyone interested in helping with the Poppy Appeal you should contact our Poppy Appeal Coordinators:

For Preston/Eaglescliffe/Yarm/Thornaby/Ingleby/Kirklevington and surrounding areas contact Lin Simpson on 07746173179 or mailto:stockton.secretary@rbl.community  

For Stockton/Norton/Stillington and surrounding areas contact John Thompson at mailto:johnthompson1610@googlemail.com

You can order your wreath from the above contacts, we also hold a range of wreaths throughout the year. 

A big Thank-you to the Supermarkets for their continued support in these difficult times. 

As Poppy Appeal Organisers for our area we would like to thank you all for the continued support you give us every year.

Stay safe.