poppy field


Well over 40 of us, including teachers and children from Wilds Lodge School, enjoyed another delicious heap of sausage & mash at Ketton Sports Club on 23 April.

Well Replete

The occasion was of course our annual St George’s Day celebration on 23 April and was, as one of Wilds’ pupils remarked, ‘better than school dinners’! We all gave Joyce and John, our hosts, a big round of applause for all their efforts, and thanks also go to Pat Savory and John & Beryl Ingham for taking the names and collecting the cash, to Roy & Marian for raising £72 in the raffle, and to those who brought prizes.

Darren Reads The Poem The Serviceman

A special mention also goes to David Young who bought raffle tickets for each of the Wilds’ boys, enabling them to win all the alcohol!, and to Bob Cox who promptly auctioned each raffle prize he won. Brilliant!