poppy field


Appeal to find new standard bearer in Stamford.
The Stamford branch of the Royal British Legion is looking to increase its Standard Bearers and is appealing for volunteers who feel they may be suitable for the role.

The Branch standard has been lowered to remember those who have fallen in the line of duty for over 100 years and now the Branch is looking for someone to support this vital role. The main aspect of the Royal British Legion Standard Bearer is to parade the Branch standard at local and National commemorations and ceremonies, including at Veteran commemorations, Mayors Parade and the Armistice Day service.

It is essential that the person selected should be physically strong and well able to handle the Standard under all conditions. We are asking if anyone, perhaps from the voluntary services or any other recognised groups, may consider taking on this most worthy of roles.

Full training will be provided by the Royal British legion.

Anyone wishing to volunteer is asked to contact branch secretary: Stamford.secretary@rbl.community

Are you looking for experience in the charity sector? Are you retired and want to give something back to the community?

Each year the demand for our support continues as Service men and women, young and old, call on us for assistance. Volunteers are the lifeblood of The Royal British Legion and the Poppy Appeal and we couldn't achieve all that we do without them. We have a whole range of volunteering opportunities so there's lots of ways you can get involved, whether you have got a lot of time to give or just an hour or two.


Become a Poppy Person now! Every year, we need more and more volunteers to help man our stands during the Poppy Appeal. This year is no exception, as aside from our usual stands at Morrisons, Sainsburys and Waitrose and in the High Street, we need more helpers to distribute and recover the Poppy Appeal collection.


Aside from the Poppy Appeal, we also attend many events in and around Stamford throughout the year – Battle of Britain Sunday, the Mayor’s Parade and individual funerals, etc.


We hold a charity stall from time to time in the market or Sheepmarket to raise funds for the running of the Branch and for the Poppy Appeal. We need help to man the stall, usually from 8.00am to about 3.00pm, two people in 1 hour shifts. If you enjoy chatting to friends and meeting new people, come and join us.


