poppy field


"Our Branch Poppy Appeal Launch 2022".

Please see our Press Release at In Your Area website

Many thanks to all who supported and attended this most important launch on the 20 October 2022, especially our hosts Iforce, Wincanton, Screwfix and Paul Milgate-Scarrott who has brought together so many various elements to produce such an impressive collection of ideas and initiatives from which to launch the Stafford 2022 RBL Poppy Appeal.

(Photographs kindly provided by Mr Paul Milgate-Scarrot.)

Our Appeal has commenced from the kind proceeds of an in-house raffle of over £700, plus donations contributed for Poppy merchandise during this Launch.

We want this to be a record-breaking Poppy Appeal and we know that this can be achieved, as historically the people of Stafford have been very, very generous in their support of the Armed Forces, Veterans and their families.

We still need Volunteers to man our town centre stands, from Monday the 31st October till Saturday the 12th November. If you have any spare time to help man our stands, then please call Joe Canning (our Poppy Appeal Organiser) on 07815 62971 or send a message to our Facebook Page. ( https://www.facebook.com/StaffordRBL )