poppy field



Poppy memorabilia is now available from most schools, shops, pubs and clubs in and around the Borough of Stafford, and between Monday the 31st October and Saturday the 12th November, the three major supermarkets in Stafford will hold the greatest amount of stock should anyone want to donate.

On Saturday the 5th November we will be assisted in the town's Market Square by local Motorbike and Scooter Clubs of Stafford.

We are extremely pleased to have a stall at Stafford Walking Street November event, on the Thursday the 10th November, from 4-9pm. We hope that you visit our stall and help our worthy charity with your kind donations.

We are also hoping to have some of our Poppy memorabilia at the Christmas Market being held at the White Eagle Club on Riverway, Stafford, on Saturday the 12th of November.

If you have any spare time to volunteer your support at our stalls (volunteers do not require to be members of The Royal British Legion (RBL) or serving or retired military persons, to assist at our stalls), please can you kindly contact our Branch Poppy Appeal Organiser Joe Canning on 07815629711 or email Branch Public Relations Officer 

The kind and extremely generous community of Stafford superbly assisted the RBL Poppy Appeal of 2021, your donations were a RECORD MASSIVE sum of £67,577.14. The Stafford Branch of the RBL thanks you all for your excellent support to this worthwhile charity.