Message received from our roving reporter, Clare Pillinger - Hertfordshire's MEO;
I just wanted to say a massive thank you for your attendance and input today at the rededication of the Burma Star Association memorial in the grounds of St Peters Church, St Albans.
Thank you to the Rev Mark Dearnley for your time, to Carolyn for helping to make this happen and also to the ladies who volunteered to serve our refreshments. Thank you to the mayor, who I have emailed separately, and for the support of the St Albans council.
Thank you especially Ian for your efforts organising the refurbishment with such determination. Thank you to your wife and daughter for the delicious lemon drizzle cake too. Two of the ladies who turned up for the service were there because they frequently walk through the churchyard and were so impressed with the new look.
Thank you to Paul, County Standard Bearer and Pat, representing Hertfordshire County Royal British Legion.
And in the lovely city of St Albans, thank you to all the RBL members - everyone of you - who attended on a thankfully dry day.
For me, as I am new in role, it was a wonderful opportunity to meet some of you.
Going forward I hope that we can use this as a launch pad to keep the RBL going in St Albans.