How can we significantly increase donations to the Poppy Appeal? Could something be developed on a national basis? Would a commercial operation become a partner?
With the above in mind, one of the members of West Yorkshire’s Spenborough Branch, Shawn Peel, looked at his own business, David Butterfield Independent Family Funeral Directors in Cleckheaton, West Yorkshire.
Formerly an Air Reconnaissance/Intelligence Photographer with The Royal Air Force, Shawn was aware of the high regard that the public in general and the Armed Forces community in particular have for the work of The Royal British Legion.
David Butterfield work closely with Golden Charter, one of the foremost provider of funeral plans. Shawn recognised the possibility that by The Royal British Legion endorsing Golden Charter plans and allowing the use of the “poppy” logo, this could increase sales of the plan and generate significant donations for The Legion.

He approached Mr Malcolm Flanders, Golden Charter’s Director of Funeral Director Sales who was enthusiastic about the proposal from Shawn, to include a donation to the Legion of £25 on each plan sold.

A meeting was arranged with The Royal British Legion at Head Office where Shawn and Malcolm Flanders outlined the possibility of thousands of pounds being raised for the Poppy Appeal, not just during Remembrancetide, but throughout the year.
The joint enthusiasm of Shawn Peel and Golden Charter in the project has been quite exceptional. During the first two months of operation since its launch, over 2000 plans have been sold giving a boost of some £50,000.00 towards the Poppy Appeal and its valuable work in supporting serving men and women, veterans and their families.

Spenborough Branch member Shawn Peel, saluting the Town's War Memorial after laying a wreath on Armed Forces Day 2016.
Shawn's fundraising effort is going from strength to strength. At the outset in September 2016 the yearly target was £100,000. In only some 8 months this target was exceeded and stood at £137,000 in April 2017. A new target of £250,000 is looking likely for the first year.
At the branch meeting in October, the Branch Chairman, Eddie Morton (background above) congratulated Shawn for his continuing efforts.