poppy field


The Poppy Appeal in Spenborough



2023 saw the branch raise a total of £35,506 for the poppy appeal and the chairmen would like to thank all for their time and support.


As of January 2022 the total raised in our Poppy Appeal for 2021 was £34,194. Again the chairmen extends his thanks to all involved.


2020's poppy appeal raised £7,900 and the chairmen would like to thank everyone involved. 


The poppy appeal for 2019 is concluded and the chairman would like to thank everyone for there effort's

The total is: £32,567 


The Poppy Appeal is once again concluded and the Branch Chairman, Eddie Morton is hoping that we can exceed the record attained in 2017. Further news will be published when available.

the grand total raised for the poppy appeal 2018 was: £36,297 


With there being so many charities vying for our money I am always surprised and delighted that the poppy appeal does so well year on year.

I’ve stated in earlier years that there must be a time that we “Peak” as far as receipts are concerned, but to date that has not happened. Once again in the 2017 appeal we have exceeded all our past collection figures. This year we have collected in excess of £33,000, and there are still some small amounts to come in for wreaths.

It always amazes me that you think that the collection pattern will remain the same, but this year that was not so, Hartshead slightly down, Tesco well up and the primary schools really excelled themselves, the figures some schools collected were truly amazing.

As Chairman of the branch I am privileged to be surrounded by so many dedicated and committed members and non member volunteers who make all the success of the appeal happen, without all the hard work and time put in by everybody we would not achieve the success we do. I and the Legion as a whole are truly indebted to you all.

We have another busy year in front of us with the centenary anniversary of the end of WW1 and I’m sure that if we all pull together, as we always do, then the branch will have another successful year.

Once again many thanks.

For photographs of the Poppy Appeal 2017 Click on this link for details.

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150,000 Poppy Appeal collectors

£106,000 raised by the first Poppy Appeal in 1921

£43,000,000 Poppy Appeal target for 2016

2,500 Royal British Legion branches across the UK and overseas.

780,000 requests for help answered by the Legion since the 2015 Appeal.

45 million poppies distributed for this years appeal.

6.2 million people eligible in the UK for the Legions help

Figures courtesy of the i newspaper - 11 November 2016

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13 November 2016

For information on Spenborough Branch activities during the 2016 Poppy Appeal, please click this link.


24 December 2015


“We won’t better that amount next year”.

That’s what Charlie and I have been saying for the last five years after we’ve finalised the accounts for the appeal each year, yet year on year the branch continues to break its own record, every year for the last 15.

We knew it would be a good year in 2014 with it being the anniversary year for WW1, and it was raising £27,180. However we thought that 2015 we would at least level off, if not take less, how wrong could we be.

This year, to date, we have banked a staggering £30,442, and there is still some wreath money outstanding. Much of this increase is attributed to Hartshead Services which showed a substantial increase. On top of that the primary schools excelled, on average they were up 48%, the most successful being East Bierley with £378 closely followed by Howard Park with £369 a fantastic response from primary schools.

Poppy Boxw

But as always it is the dedication and commitment shown by members and non member volunteers who give their time and efforts that makes the appeal successful, thank you all for your continued commitment to the appeal, you can all be justly proud of this result.

Eddie Morton   Chairman

PS  “We won’t better that amount next year Charlie”

PPS Final figure stands at £31,593.00  (10 October 2016)


1 December 2014


Everyone had a feeling that this year’s poppy appeal might exceed last year’s with it being the centenary of the outbreak of WW1. There was much coverage of the centenary on TV and it must have always been at the front of everyone’s mind right up to the Remembrance period. The continuous display of the ceramic poppies at the Tower of London must have also helped. But I don’t think anyone expected such a result.

However all the publicity in the world does not go out and sell poppies, people do that and the Spenborough branch has more than its fair share of dedicated volunteers who turn out in all weathers to make the appeal work. We have broken some records this year; Chris Wrightson broke the Hartshead record by collecting £377.40 in one session, the Hartshead total was smashed by raising £10,510, so well done the Hartshead team organised by David Walker.

The Tesco team organised by Allan Serjeant also broke last year’s record by raising £5,301.60.

A thank you goes out to all the District Organisers that distributed poppies throughout the districts, Alan Cardwell (Gomersal), Alan Spencer (Oakenshaw), Derrick Yates (East Bierly), Mrs Stone (Hartshead), Malcolm Wilkinson (Moorend and Hunsworth) and Shawn Peel (Hightown and Liversedge). All the districts made increased returns on last year.

Regrettably there are too many volunteers to name individually, but they know who they are and my sincere thanks go out to each and every one of you.

The final record to be broken is the grand total, £27,483. Everyone in the branch, and our non member volunteers, can be justly proud that we achieved such a total.

Well done everybody. Please accept my sincere thanks and that of the Legion as a whole for all your hard work.

Eddie Morton - Chairman, Spenborough Branch

Below are some photographs of some of our regular stalwarts, Cadets from the 2490 Squadron Spen Valley Air Training Corps on duty at Hartshead Moor Services on the M62.







Every year after the completion of the poppy appeal I try to find a different way to say “Thank you” to all the volunteers and supporters of the appeal who year on year make it such a success.

The easiest way of course would be to just update last year’s message because nearly all the names listed on last year’s “Thank you’s” will appear on this, but I’m sure you’d soon find me out if I just changed the date and the amount collected.

But that is how it is, the same dedicated team year on year tirelessly going about the business of making it work, and I must say with phenomenal success.

There have been a number of minor changes in the District Organisers this year, Derek Howarth, one of our most successful organisers stood down at the end of 2012. Whenever someone stands down there is always the nagging fear that they will not be able to be replaced, (the area was so large we split it into two), however that was not the case in the Spenborough branch, Malcolm Wilkinson and Derek Yates stepped forward to fill the breach and the appeal in those area went on as if there had been no change. Derek carried out his duties under duress as he had just had an operation but Alan Spencer stepped in to assist Derek.

Alan also came forward and said he would fill the upcoming vacancy in Oakenshaw next year so things will go on there without a glitch. I do not think there can be many Poppy Appeal Organiser’s that have such a enthusiastic team at their disposal, to have team members coming forward to volunteer before the vacancy has yet to arise, it is commendable and shows the branch in a good light.

So there we are, I’ll just get in touch with the Webmaster to change the dates on last year’s message, thank you to everyone who served again this year as you did last year and the year before, and hopefully next year!

Ho yes I nearly forgot, we raised £22,353, well done everybody.



  Hartshead Moor Services M62



Mr Barry Wilson kindly offered to assist the Poppy Appeal by playing his keyboard at the top of the "rubber tunnel" in Cleckheaton.


We start 'em young in Spen!


Scouts from the 9th Spen Valley helping around town.



Once again the people of the Spenborough area have shown their generosity supporting the poppy appeal and in turn shown their support for both serving and retired service personnel who require the services of the Royal British Legion.

This year in our area the sum of £21,192 was raised, this sum includes £1,358 from donations made for wreaths supplied for Remembrance Sunday. Considering the present financial constraint everyone is labouring under this was a magnificent response.

As Chairman for the Spenborough Branch of the Royal British Legion I consider myself most fortunate to be surrounded and supported by the dedicated team that work so hard for the poppy appeal and special thanks must go to the following; the District Organisers who ensure that poppies are distributed in their areas, Derek Howarth for Hunsworth and East Bierly, Mr and Mrs Harrison for Birkenshaw, Mr. and Mrs. Mills for Gomersal North, Mr and Mrs Marriot for Gomersal South, Mrs Haigh for Liversedge and Littletown, Mrs Stone for Hartshead ad Roberttown,  Mrs Haley for Oakenshaw and Charlie Turpin for Cleckheaton Centre and Schools.

To David Walker for taking on the mammoth task of organising collections at Hartshead Moor Services and to all his collectors who attended each day for the full fortnight.

To David Wood and the Cleckheaton Scout Group who every year start off the appeal by collecting in Cleckheaton town centre, to Alan Serjeant who organised and overlooked the team collecting in Tesco's,  and finally to Jennie Marriott again for organising the ladies roster for collecting on the Cleckheaton streets on the final Friday and Saturday of the appeal.

But behind every one of these organisers is a dedicated team of unsung heroes, too many to mention individually, (Many who are not Legion members) who turn out every year to collect in all kinds of weather, without these collectors there would be no appeal in the valley.

There is only one more section to thank, the most important section, and of course that is the people of the valley who give so generously to the appeal year after year.

Below are some photographs of our Poppy Collectors in action in and around Cleckheaton.



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The Branch Chairman, Mr Eddie Morton reports that: "The Branch has had another successful Poppy Appeal; when the final amounts are cleared, we will have raised £24,091 which is an excellent result" (£19,000 in 2010).

Such success can only be achieved by having a dedicated and hard working team and the Spenborough Branch are most fortunate in having just that.

A big "thank you" goes out to everyone who gave their time and energy over the Remembrance period, many of whom are not Legion members, the Branch and Legion as a whole are indebted to you for such support.

Of course the Appeal would be nothing without the generosity of the public, once again in times of austerity they have shown their support for our Servicemen and Women both serving and retired.

The Branch can assure you that your donations will be well spent on those most in need.

Once again, many thanks."

Poppy Box