Spenborough commemorated the 75th anniversary of D-Day on Saturday 8 June 2019.
The Branch had prepared both a "dry" and "wet" weather event. The parade left the side of Cleckheaton Town Hall in relatively dry weather but it soon turned rainy. However, of the assembled crowd, very few people left during the one and a half hour commemoration service.
Principal Guests were:
The Deputy Lieutenant of West Yorkshire Mr Gordon Tollefson CstJ, JP, DL, FRSPH, ACH
The Mayor of Kirklees, Cllr Mumtaz Hussain
The Mayoress of Kirklees, Mrs Noreen Hussain
Baroness Pinnock of Cleckheaton
Member of Parliament for Batley and Spen, Ms Tracy Brabin MP
Kirklees Councillors: Mr David Hall and Miss Elizabeth Smaje
Song led by Cllr David Hall - "Keep the homefires burning" followed by the Story of D-Day:
The Country at War - David Walker (Branch Secretary)
D-Day preparations - Eddie Morton (Branch Chairman)
D-Day 6 June 1944 - Eddie Morton (Branch Chairman)
The "Breakout" - Terry Brewis ( Former Branch Chaplain)
Address by The Deputy Lieutenant.
Song led by Cllr David Hall - "There'll always be an England"
Wreaths were then laid by:
The Deputy Lieutenant of West Yorkshire Mr Gordon Tollefson representing Her Majesty the Queen
The Mayor of Kirklees Clr Mumtaz Hussain on behalf of the residents of Kirklees
Baroness Pinnock on behalf of the people of Spenborough
Member of Parliament Ms Tracy Brabin MP
Mr Alan Rhodes (late Duke of Wellingtons Regiment) on behalf of The Royal British Legion and all Veterans
Mrs Sandra Garstang (late Queen Alexandra Nursing) on behalf of the Royal British Legion Women's Section
The Service of thanksgiving was conducted by Spenborough Branch Chaplain the Rev Ray Borrett assisted by Father Nicholas Hird and Mr Terry Brewis.
Cllr David hall led three further hymns, I vow to thee my country, Jerusalem and Guide me O thou Great Redeemer
The National Anthem closed the Commemoration.