poppy field


Photographs of Branch events in 2018

The branch hoped that providing a comprehensive set of photographs for each event would prove invaluable for posterity. In 50 or 100 years from now for instance, what was the Spenborough Branch doing then, who attended, how large were the crowds and did we faithfully remember those in the Armed Forces, who gave their lives for the freedoms we enjoy today.

However, in order to conform to the recently issued "Photography and Video GDPR Guidance" photographs of people at events, are classed as personal data and the rules governing publication of such material are so involved, it has essentially proved impossible for Branch members to take photographs for publication whilst adhering to the rules. Applies from 1 November 2018.


Click on the link below for details of the particular event.

Presentation of the Great War Plaque - 26 February 2018

A Soldier of the Great War remembered - 1 May 2018

New Army Cadet Standard dedicated - 12 May 2018

Flag Raising for Armed Forces Week - 25 June 2018

Children Remember End of The Great War - 29 June 2018

Armed Forces Day - 30 June 2018

Hunsworth War Weekend - 7 and 8 July 2018

GP90 - Great Pilgrimage to Ypres - 90 years on - 8 August 2018

The Great War Exhibition 1918 - 19 October to 15 November 2018

Garden of Remembrance - 5 November 2018

Armistice Day for Schoolchildren - 9 November 2018

Armistice Day 100 Years on - 11 November 2018

Remembrance Sunday - 11 November 2018

The Great War Exhibition at Dewsbury - November 2018

Poppy Appeal 2018