poppy field


VJ Day Front Cover

Shortly after midday on 14 August 1945, Emperor Hirohito of Japan announced acceptance of surrender terms, which in effect also ended The Second World War.

 Surrender _of _Japan _-_USS_Missouri

"Surrender of Japan - USS Missouri". Photograph by Army Signal Corps. Collection in the US National Archives.

Japanese representatives arriving to formally sign the surrender document      on the USS Missouri in Tokyo Bay, 2 September 1945

VJ DAY in the UK is on 15 August and the 70th anniversary of this momentus day in the world's history, was marked in Spenborough by a parade through Cleckheaton Town Centre culminating in a Service around the War Memorial.

For although there was both a commemoration and celebration aspect to the event, branch members felt that the most appropriate form, should concentrate on the solemnity of the occasion.

Principal Guests included: Representing Her Majesty the Queen, The Deputy Lieutenant of West Yorkshire Mr Gordon Tollefson CStJ, JP, DL, FRSPH, ACH. The Mayor and Mayoress of Kirklees Councillor Paul Kane and Mrs Susan Bedford. Lord Shaw of Northstead JP, DL and Lady Shaw. The County President of The Royal British Legion, South and West Yorkshire Mr Robert Mortimer. Kirklees Councillors; Councillor Andrew Palfreeman, Councillor Elizabeth Smaje and Councillor John Lawson. President of the Spenborough Chamber of Trade Mrs Vivian Laycock. Veterans of the Second World War and the War in the Far East in particular.

A special guest was Mr David Beard, a Burma Star Veteran.

The Branch was delighted to welcome standards from Golcar Branch, East and West Ardsley Branch and The Women's Section, South and West Yorkshire.

The Service was led by the Spenborough Branch Chaplain Mr Terry Brewis and assisted by The Reverend Roger Smith (Methodist Minister) and Father Nicholas Hird (Roman Catholic Priest).

With music provided by The Clifton and Lightcliffe Band, a good sized parade left Cleckheaton Town Hall at 1.45pm for a well attended service in Cleckheaton's Memorial Park.

Spenborough Branch Chairman Mr Eddie Morton gave a short introduction.

In his address, The Deputy Lieutenant Mr Gordon Tollefson descibed the events of Japanese entry into the war through their attack on the US Naval base at Pearl Harbour. He mentioned in particular the sufferings of the allied POW's at the hands of the Japanese.

Following The Last Post, Exhortation, Two Minutes Silence, a particularly poignant Kohima Epitaph on this day was delivered by the Branch Chairman. Reveille was played by the band bugler.

The wreath laying was accompanied by a lone piper, Mr Jonathan Watson. Wreaths were laid by The Deputy Lieutenant Mr Gordon Tollefson, The Mayor of Kirklees Mr Paul Kane, The Royal British Legion County President Mr Robert Mortimer and on behalf of The Royal British Legion, Spenborough Branch Mr Chris Wrightson (Duke of Wellington's Regiment).

In his address, The Mayor, Councillor Paul Kane briefly covered the effects of the war to people at home and also the aftermath felt long afterwards. He said the the people at home were also victims and heroes. These efforts are what makes ours a wonderful country to live in.

The Spenborough Branch Chairman Mr Eddie Morton in his address, spoke about why the Royal British Legion was formed in 1922 and is still in great need today, supporting the ongoing welfare of ex-servicemen and women and their dependants.

After re-assembling the parade it was directed to march off, with The Deputy Lieutenant taking the salute on the Memorial.

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