VE Day Celebration Concert
9 May 2015

To celebrate 70 years since the end of War in Europe Day, 8 May 1945, an afternoon band concert was organised by the Branch and held in Cleckheaton Town Hall which was suitably decorated with Union Flag bunting.

Her Majesty The Queen, was represented by the Deputy Lieutenant of West Yorkshire, Mr Gordon Tollefson CStJ, JP, DL, FRSPH, ACH and accompanied by Mrs Sally Tollefson. The event was supported by The Mayor and Mayoress of Kirklees, Councillor Ken Smith and Mrs Christine Smith, who attended, together with County President, The Royal British Legion, Mr Robert Mortimer and Mrs Mortimer.
The other distinguished guests welcomed by the Branch Chairman, Eddie Morton, were our representives from the three services of the Armed Forces who served in WW2: Mr Peter Gummer (Royal Navy) and Mr Barry Scott (Army - Royal Engineers). It was intended to welcome Mr Donald Chesterman as a representitive from The Royal Air Force but unfortunately he had died a few days earlier. The Branch Chairman suggested that this concert be in his memory.
Music for the occasion was provided once again by top class musicians in the form of The Clifton and Lightcliffe Band, conducted by their Musical Director, Mr John Clay BA (Hons) and compered by Mr Brian Nicholson.

To the rousing Legion March, the Branch Standard was paraded by members of the Branch and draped over the stage front.
Typical music of the time was played and flags were provided for every member of the capacity audience (around 480) and these together with many of the audience's red, white and blue dress gave the concert a real patriotic flavour.

After the interval, the Branch Chairman, Eddie Morton, introduced a vistor from the Black Country, Mr Ron Wootton. Mr Wootton's business took him to Wetherby, where he noticed a large bronze Great War Memorial in a waste skip. Realising its significance, he duly liberated it with the intention of returning it to its rightful owners.
After some research he found that the names were men from East Bierley and Birkenshaw and he duly contacted the Branch. Branch Historian, Charlie Turpin researched further and found that the men had worshipped at the now demolished Westgate Hill Methodist Chapel.

Mr Wootton presented the Memorial Plaque to the Branch Chairman, who will in turn present it to a church in the East Bierley area for permanent display.
Details of the plaque and its means of recovery were recorded onto a display panel which was presented to Mr Wootton. A further copy has been produced to go alongside the plaque in its new home.
On behalf of the people of Spenborough, the Branch Chairman thanked Mr Wootton for his generosity and civic awareness and spontaneous applause was given by the concert audience.
Back to the concert - the start of part two was deliberately omitted from the programme for maximum impact, which it certainly had! The lights were dimmed and an air raid siren wailed in the hall - you could hear a pin drop!
With the lights still dimmed, a short selection of the speeches of Winston Churchill were played.
After much flag waving in part two, the National Anthem concluded the Concert and The Royal British Legion standard was marched off.
All in all another "good do" for the people of Spenborough.
Photographs of the event are shown below - simply click on a picture for a slide show.
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