22 June 2015

The Spenborough Branch were once again delighted to receive in Cleckheaton, The Deputy Lieutenant of West Yorkshire, Mrs Kate Moreton-Deakin and Mr Tony Moreton-Deakin, to a short ceremony aound the War Memorial marking the start of Armed Forces Week in Spenborough.
Other Principal Guests were Lord Shaw of Northstead, JP, DL and Lady Shaw.
The new Branch Chaplain, Mr Terry Brewis conducted the Service at which wreaths were laid by the Deputy Lieutenant on behalf of the Queen and by Mr Des Burge (Royal Navy) on behalf of The Royal British Legion.
The Kohima Ephitat and Exhortation were delivered by the Branch Chairman Mr Eddie Morton. A short sharp shower did not dampen spirits and Mrs Kate Moreton Deakin gave a short address regarding the work and sacrifice of our armed forces.
Tea and scones provided by the Spenborough Women's Section and served in a new venue of Syke Fold Grange, enabled us to round off the morning with a good social occasion.
The Spenborough Branch of The Royal British Legion extends grateful thanks and best wishes to all branches of Her Majesty's forces.
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