poppy field


21 August 2014


One of the projects that the Branch decided to undertake for the Centenary of the start of the Great War, was to clean all the headstones in Spenborough of those that gave their lives in the Great War.

However, although we have 28 graves of men who fell in The Great War, we have a further 30 from World War 2. We felt that we could not step over the latter whilst getting to the former, so decided to clean all 58.

Responsibility for maintenance of these graves, rests with The Commonwealth War Graves Commission, although they sometimes contract out the work to local authorities. An approach was made to CWGC, who agreed to let us undertake the cleaning.

Detailed cleaning instructions were received form CWGC, such as what to use for cleaning and the dimensions for cutting the grass back away from the headstone.

The task was distributed amongst the Branch Members earlier in the year, to be completed by 4 August. When complete, a Royal British Legion poppy cross was to be placed at the foot of each headstone.

Aware that our local schools are undertaking "Great War" projects during this centenary year, we asked if any would like to take part. One of our best supporting schools, is Whitechapel Primary School who took up the challenge and who even have a WW1 Centenary Project Co-ordinator, Mrs Judith Drake.

The Head Teacher, Mrs Michelle Bouabida, arranged for a contingent of pupils and teachers (all volunteers of course) to accompany Branch Chairman, Eddie Morton, to Whitechapel Church to undertake the task.

The life and known details of each man were explained to the children and we hope that they will remember this for many years to come.

Click on a thumbnail below to see pupils from Whitechapel Primary School undertaking the work.




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