poppy field


To mark the the occasion of 60 years since the Coronation of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, the Spenborough Branch organised a Jubilee Coronation Concert on 1 June 2013.

Coronation Pro Copyw

This was held at Cleckheaton Town Hall with music by our local Clifton and Lightcliffe Band, conducted by Mr John Clay BA (Hons).

The Branch was delighted to welcome again, The Deputy Lieutenant of West Yorkshire, Mrs Kate Moreton-Deakin who was representing the Queen together with Mr Moreton-Deakin.

Our other Principal Guests were The Deputy Mayor of Kirklees, Councillor Ken Smith and the Deputy Mayoress, Councillor Christine Smith, Lord Shaw of Northstead DL, JP and Lady Shaw and Member of Parliament for Batley and Spen, Mr Mike Wood.

We were also delighted to have as a Principal Guest, Squadron Leader David Dinmore MBE, DL, RAF(Retd) and Mrs Lorna Dinmore. Squadron Leader Dimore served in the RAF as a pilot on Vulcan bombers and also for a time in 617 Squadron (The Dambusters). 2013 being the 70th anniversary of Operation Chastise, it was a thought that Squadron Leader Dinmore's presence would be most appropriate.

The roll of Principal Guests was completed by a number of our local councillors, who always support our events.

The first part of the musical programme was arranged to provide typical music from the 1950's, the sort of music that would have been around at the time of the Coronation.

David Hall (one of our local councillors) sang a number of the songs in his lovely baritone voice.

The second part of the programme was unashamedly patriotic and included the usual rousing numbers, such as British Sea Songs, Jerusalem and Pomp and Circumstance.

A special feature during the playing of the RAF March Past was when, unknown to the audience, a contingent of the local 2490 Squadron (Spen Valley) Air Training Corps entered the hall and marched in with their standards. The Officer Commanding saluted and this was acknowledged by The Deputy Lieutenant Mrs Kate Moreton-Deakin.

Prayers for the Queen were delivered by the Branch Chaplain, Rev Brunel James, and a rousing National Anthem ended another memorable afternoon.


The Deputy Lieutenant of West Yorkshire, Mrs Kate Moreton-Deakin being welcomed to Cleckheaton by Branch Chairman Eddie Morton.


The Deputy Mayor of Kirklees Councillor Ken Smith and the Deputy Mayoress Councillor Christine Smith, being greeted by Branch Chairman Eddie Morton.


Well we did advertise the event as being "unashamedly patriotic".

Cleck 3cw

Principal Guests - front row of balcony - left to right : Councillor Andrew Palfreeman, The Deputy Mayor Councillor Ken Smith, The Deputy Mayoress Councillor Christine Smith, The Deputy Lieutenant of West Yorkshire Mrs Kate Moreton-Deakin, Mr Moreton-Deakin, Squadron Leader David Dinmore MBE, DL, Mrs Lorna Dinmore and Member of Parliament for Batley and Spen Mr Mike Wood MP.


Branch President Mr Eric Martin MBE, BA



The Clifton and Lightcliffe Band with Musical Director Mr John Clay BA(Hons) and Compere Mr Brian Nicholson

Cleck 1cw

Several of the numbers were sung by Mr David Hall



 Mr Mike Wood MP                                      Capacity crowd again!


Tea in the Mayor's Parlour       Lord Shaw,The Deputy Mayor and Sqdn Ldr Dinmore


Past National Chairman Mr Robert Scaife and Branch Chairman Eddie Morton.




Cadets of the 2490 Squadron (Spen Valley) Air Training Corps




Ladies from Spenborough Branch Womens Section and The St John Ambulance Brigade (We can't do without them!)



Grand Finale with The National Anthem.


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