11 NOVEMBER 2013
Spenborough's War Memorial in Cleckheaton's Memorial Park, was the focal point for this years Armistice Day Service.
Deputy Lieutenant of West Yorkshire, Mr Gordon Tollefson CStJ, JP, DL,FRSPH,ACH, was once again in attendance to represent Her Majesty The Queen and Lady J Shaw was our other Principal Guest.
The Branch President, Mr Eric Martin MBE, was unable to attend, so his duties were performed by the Branch's senior member, Mr Barry Scott (Royal Engineers).
The Branch Chairman, Mr Eddie Morton, also welcomed students from Spen Valley High School, children from Littletown Infants School, most of whom were dressed in military or period style clothing, together with children and teachers from Howard Park Community School.
At 11.00hrs the "chimes and strikes" of Big Ben were relayed live. Last Post and Revielle were played, with the two minute silence in between. The Branch Chairman, Mr Eddie Morton delivered the Exhortation and Kohima Ephitat. Prayers were offered by the Branch Chaplain, the Reverend Brunel James.
Wreaths were presented to the Distinguished Guests by the pupils of Spen Valley High School and by the children of Littletown school. These wreaths were solemnly laid by The Deputy Lieutenant Mr Gordon Tollefson, Lady Shaw and acting Branch President Mr Barry Scott. The Branch Chairman accompanied one of the children from Littletown School up to the Memorial and he laid a wreath of flowers before stepping back and giving a court bow - probably a moment he will never forget!
We were fortunate that the weather kept fine and sunny for us again. (Do you remember when Armistice Day always seemed to be bitter cold and frosty or raining?).
The Branch has to thank the ladies from the Womens Section for again providing us with tea and scones following the Service. The Branch is also grateful to St Paul's Catholic Church for allowing us to use their church hall for this purpose.

Photo; Andy Dracup

The Deputy Lieutenant receiving his wreath from a student of Spen Valley High

Deputy Lieutenant Mr Gordon Tollefson Mr Barry Scott (Royal Engineers)

Photos: Andy Dracup

Students and teachers of Spen Valley High School with the Deputy Lieutenant

Lady Shaw and the Deputy Lieutenant

Branch Vice Chairman Malcolm Wilkinson and Mrs and Mr Barry Scott

Tea in St Paul's Church Hall
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