Sunday 13 October 2013
The people of Spenborough were again treated to a superb musical evening, at the ninth Annual Band Concert, held at Cleckheaton Town Hall.
Our local band of the West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service provided the musical entertainment, conducted by their Musical Director, Mr Lee Whitworth ATCL.
The evening commenced with The Royal British Legion March, during which the Branch Standard was paraded by the Standard Bearer, David Lamb, with an escort of Vice-Chairman, Malcolm Wlikinson and Allan Serjeant.
The musical content was varied, from "hits from the Shows" to "last night of the Proms" with a number of solo performances from some of the Bands accomplished musicians.
An innovation this year, was vocal accompaniment from Trumpet Major Chris Pritchard, who also led the audience participation in "last night of the Proms".
This as usual was a free event put on by the Spenborough Branch and the appreciation of the audience was notable in the amount collected for both the raffle and main collection.
Surplus monies will be forwarded to the Poppy Appeal, for the welfare and support of ex-service personnel and their families.

Musical Director Lee Whitworth ATCL Full house again

The West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service Band

Musical Director Lee Whitworth and Trumpet Major Chris Pritchard (vocalist)

Soloists Steven Green (flugelhorn) and Heather Stead (Flute)
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