poppy field


A slightly smaller crowd than usual attended this years ceremony of unfurling the flag, to mark the start of Armed Forces Week, on 25 June 2012.

The ceremony was held in the Memorial Park, Cleckheaton and commenced at 11.00am with the arrival of our Official Guest, Mr Peter Gummer.

Father Peter Smith conducted the service, which included prayers for all our armed Forces personnel and in particular for those on active service at the moment.

Branch Chairman, Mr Eddie Morton gave the Exhortation, which was followed by The Last Post, one minute's silence, Kohima Epitaph and Reveille.

Mr Peter Gummer addressed the people assembled and unfurled the Armed Forces Day Flag.

A wreath was laid on the Memorial on behalf of The Royal British Legion by the Branch President, Mr Eric Martin MBE.

Father Peter Smith gave the Blessing which was followed by the National Anthem.

The Branch is grateful to Father Smith and St Pauls Catholic Church, for once again making their Church Hall available to us for light refreshments after the event.

Whilist taking refreshments, the Branch President, Mr Eric Martin made a surprise announcement and presented a Certificate to Father Peter Smith from the Branch, which read "as a mark of esteem and appreciation for all his work as Priest and friend of the Branch"

The Womens Section of Spenborough again kindly laid on the refreshments which included the now traditional scones.


The Standard and escort party for our Official Guest, Mr Peter Gummer.





Father Peter Smith conducting the Service with Branch Chairman Mr Eddie Morton





Branch President Mr Eric Martin MBE, laying the wreath.



Mr Peter Gummer delivering his address.


The Armed Forces Day flag unfurled by Mr Peter Gummer.


Branch Standard Bearer Mr David Lamb and Father Peter Smith


Branch President Mr Eric Martin MBE with Mrs Wendy Dengate a Legion visitor from Hondon Valley Branch, Alicante, Spain, who just happened to be in Cleckheaton that morning.


Father Peter Smith receives his certificate from the Branch President Mr Eric Martin MBE


Light refreshments at the President's table in St Peters Church Hall. Left to right: Branch President Mr Eric Martin MBE, Official Guest (and naval veteran) Mr Peter Gummer, Branch Chairman Mr Eddie Morton, Father Peter Smith and Branch Secretary Mr David Walker.