poppy field



Together with Armistice Day itself, Remembrance Sunday in Spenborough is the Branches most important occasion. This year is particularly memorable, being the 90th Anniversary of the founding of The Royal British Legion.

The afternoon was a little misty, although this did not prevent good crowds from lining the route.

The parade (which seems to get bigger every year), was assembled at Cleckheaton Town Hall by the Parade Marshall, Branch Chairman Mr Eddie Morton and marched off at 14.30hrs, led by the Emley Brass Band.

Our Principal Guest, representing Her Majesty the Queen, Major (Ret) Stan Hardy TD, Deputy Lieutenant of West Yorkshire led the other guests of the wreath laying party. These included a representitive of Mr Mike Wood MP, Councillors Andrew and Kath Pinnock and representives from numerous local organisations.

The Army and RAF Cadets were also present in numbers, as were the Scouts from the troops around Spenborough. It was good to see so many young people taking part and appreciating the solemnity of the occasion.

A good contingent of Veterans and members of the Spenborough Branch and other Branches were present and the rear of the Parade was brought up by an appliance of the West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service from Cleckheaton.

On Arrival at the Memorial Park, Wreaths were laid at the foot of the War Memorial and a Two Minutes Silence observed. Branch Chairman, Mr Eddie Morton invited members of the public to place their memorial crosses on the top tier of the War Memorial and around 40 people did so. This innovation was introduced last year and because of its apparent success, will become a regular feature of Remembrance Sunday.

The Remembrance Service took place in St John's Church, and was also attended by our other Principal Guests, Lord Shaw of Northstead and Lady Shaw. Branch Chaplain, Rev Brunel James, conducted the Service and took the oportunity at the start to outline the work done by the Royal British Legion.

At the close of the Service, Branch President Mr Eric Martin MBE and Rev Brunel James greeted the departing congregation and the line up of members with their standards outside was most impressive!




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Photograph by Courtesy of The Spenborough Guardian






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Laying wreaths at the War Memorial. Photograph by courtesy of The Spenborough Guardian.


Time to reflect after the ceremony. Crosses placed by the public in the upper tier of the War Memorial.