The last Spenborough Branch Standard was dedicated 40 years ago
and Saturday 7 May 2011 at 1100am saw the dedication of our new
Branch Standard and ceremonial "laying-up" of the old.
Some 200 people were present in St Johns Church, Cleckheaton for
the Service, which was conducted by Reverend Brunel James the Vicar
of St Johns.
Major (Ret) Stan M Hardy TD, Deputy Lieutenant of West Yorkshire
represented Her Majesty the Queen. The Mayor of Kirklees Cllr
Andrew Palfreeman and Mrs Palfreeman headed our distinguished
guests, which also included, Lord Shaw of Northstead JP,DL and Lady
Shaw, Mr Mike Wood, Member of Parliament for Batley and Spen and
local Cllrs Margaret Bates DL, Derrick Yates and David Hall.
We were also delighted to welcome other local Branch Members
from six Branches and their Standards, together with a sizable
contingent of local Army Cadets and representatives from Local
Organisations such as the Spenborough Forget me Not Fund.
Following the parade of the Standards, the old Standard for
"laying up", was passed by our President Mr Eric Martin MBE into
the hands of Rev James who "accepted the charge".
The new Standard was blessed and dedicated and the old standard
was laid up on the memorial stand in theChurch in perpetuity.
The Last Post, Minutes Silence, Kohima Epitaph and Reveille
completed what was a most memorable event in the life of
Spenborough Branch.
A parade was assembled by the Chairman Mr Eddie Morton and this
was led round the town centre by the Band of The West Yorkshire
Fire and Rescue Service. The Deputy Lieutenant Major Hardy and The
Mayor Cllr Andrew Palfreeman took the salute on the dais at the
foot of the Town Hall steps.

Photographs below by courtesy of The Spenborough Guardian