Every 30th June
We host "The Somme Dinner" in comradeship just as the British army did on the eve of the battle of the Somme in 1916.
Every 1st July
The Royal British Legion Somme Branch with the assistance of the British Embassy Paris, hold a service of Remembrance at the CWGC Thiepval Memorial to commemorate the First day of the 1916 Battle of the Somme.
Please see the Branch REMEMBRANCE page for updated information.
Every 10th November the Somme Branch holds its annual "Sing-along Supper"
Bookings via the Committee.
Every 11th November the Somme Branch hold a Service of Remembrance at the CWCG Thiepval Memorial.
All are welcome to attend.
The service commences at 10.40am. RBL Branch's and service organisations Standards are welcome to attend, please arrive before 10.20 to present yourself.
Attendees are advised that there is no seating provided at this event and very limited parking so early arrival
is suggested.
Any Standard bearers wishing to attend our remembrance Ceremonies are very welcome to participate, please contact the Somme secretary for more information.
Dates for 2025
30th JUNE
Somme Gala dinner, Royal hotel Picardie, Albert France
19.30Hrs, contact Janice for booking and payment details
29th MAY
English book sale and poppy stand at the Mailly Maillet Brocante
VE DAY 80TH Anniversary
Watch this space, if you would like to get involved and have any suggestions on how we can honor this day please contact us.
29TH May 2025
Open Garden and Book sale, Mailly Maillet
Mailly Maillet will be hosting their annual brocante and we invite you join us in our garden for a coffee, cake and hopefully a bag full of books to take home.
Dates for 2024
9th May 8am-4pm
English book sale in conjunction with the Mailly Maillet Brocante
3 rue lepage
Mailly Maillet
30th June
Somme Branch 21st anniversary Gala Dinner, 19.30hrs
Hotel Royal Picardie, Albert, Somme
60euros for a 4 course dinner, wine ,The wonderful Peter Day on the mic and dancing and Silent Raffle.
10th November 2024
Sing-a-long supper, 19hrs
Cafe de la Jeunesse, 2 rue Du Borg, Bertrancourt
30 euros, kir, 3 course dinner, coffee and limited drinks
Dates for 2023
'BIG LUNCH' 12.30hrs
Celebrating the Coronation of King Charles 111
3 Rue Lepage
Mailly Maillet
We are hoping to have a street party style garden fete with a bring and share picnic.
Extra refreshments - drinks and cakes will be for sale alongside a book sale and raffle.
30th June
Auberge de la Vallée d'Ancre
6 Rue du Moulin, 80300, Authuille.
Aperatif, 3 course meal and limited wine.
limited places for more contact Janice 0033783341204
50€ a head, booking needs be confirmed before the 10th May 23
10th November 2023
sing-along supper 19.30HRS
Hotel Royal Picardie, Albert, Somme
30 euros for a 3 course dinner, singing and best raffle in town