The Branch meet every 1st Monday in the month.
The Meeting starts at 7.30pm.
We meet at
Sawtry Ex - Service & Working Mens Club
10 Gidding Road, Sawtry Huntingdon. PE28 5TS.

From South (M25)
Exit onto A1(M)
Exit Junction 15 - B1043 and B660.
Straight at roundabout into Sawtry.
Continue until you reach a one way system.
Turn Left.
Next right. You have reached The Sawtry Ex-Service and Working Man's Club.
From North (Peterborough)
Exit A1(M) at Junction 15.
Onto B1043 at the roundabout take the 2nd exit.
Continue to next roundabout.
Take 2nd exit.
continue to next roundabout.
Take 3rd Exit.
Continue to where the road forks, on-coming traffic towards you and the road turns to the left.
Continue straight.
Next Right. You have reached The Sawtry Ex-Service and Working Man's Club.