poppy field

Salisbury Branch

The Poppy Appeal in Salisbury

Salisbury Branch (TEC 22) has taken on responsibility for Inner and Outer Salisbury, Old Sarum, Stratford Sub-Castle, Woodford Valley, Old Sarum and Wilton.

2021 - in the region of £50k was collected 

2022 - In the region of £47,701.81 was collected 

2023 - In the region of £70.104.00 was collected


At this years AGM which was held on the 29th November 2023 the Branch President thanked collectors and then announced the amount in the region of £70.104.00 was raised, which is a remarkable achievement and a huge increase from previous years.

Thank you everyone, especially all the members of the Salisbury Armed Forces & Veterans Breakfast Club who helped with collections.

Anyone interested in helping in this years Poppy Appeal should contact the treasurer on 01722 555208