The Royal British Legion is recognised as the national custodian of Remembrance.

Remembrance Sunday, the second Sunday in November, is the day traditionally put aside to remember all those who have given their lives for the peace and freedom we enjoy today.
The War Memorial , is located on Memorial Green at the junction of Hartwell Road and Ashton, was unveiled on the 31st July 1921. Approximately fifty men from Roade went off to fight in the 1914-1918 war or the "Great War" as it was called, eight men died.
1939-1945 or the Second World War nine men from Roade died, eight are listed in the War Memorial, the other, Sid Harris, died when the ship called the Athenia was torpedoed off Northern Ireland.
The War Memorial is probable the best kept and look after memorial in the county with valuable work done by the Parish Council, various organisations from the village and individuals. In a competition run by the County Royal British Legion for the best kept memorial has been successful on at least 7 occasions and been runner-up on 5 occasions.
View our news & events calendar for details of local Remembrance events.