A selection of photos from events held by Roade and District Branch are available below.

Mr Alan Roberts and Mr Alec Wickens following the presentation of The Royal British Legion Gold Badges by the Rt Revd John Holbrook, Bishop of Brixworth at the Annual Dinner 2014.

Members of the Branch parding at Remembrance Sunday 2015

Mr Davies Branch Committee Member, laying Branch Wreath 2015

Brenda Rainbow and Sue Gardner the Branch Poppy Organisers at Roade Community Day 2016.

Members of the Branch Committee with Sir Hereward Wake at his last AGM as President.

Canada War Memorial was dedicated on Sunday 9th November 2014 duuring the British Legion Remembrance Service at the War Memorial Roade. The dedication of the Memorial and the reading of names was performed by the Rt Revd John Holbrook, Bishop of Brixworth. The Royal Canadian Air Force Representative was Warrant Officer Dipen Mistry.

Roade Primary School Children at War Memorial on the 11th November 2016 for a short service by the Rev Micheal Burton and laying of wreaths

This was taken after the service of Dedication of the New Branch Standard and the laying up of the Old Standard at St Mary's Church Roade on Veterans Day on 27th June 2007. Those pictured from left to right are: Branch Chairman Major(Retd) Pat Fleming JP, President Major Sir Hereward Wake Bt, MC, DL, Standard Bearer Mr Alec Wickens, County President Womans Section RBL Mrs Pauline Newnes OBE, County President RBL Colonel Richard Gill MBE, TD, JP, DL

Front Row L to R Major Patrick Fleming (Chairman), Major Sir Hereward Wake MC DL
(President) Miss Brenda Rainbow (Secretary) Standing L to R Mr Jim Waddington,Mr Ken Carpenter,
Mr Alec Wickens, Mr Senna Collins, Mr George Walker Mr Allen Roberts, Mr Mick Smith.