poppy field

Roade and District

Roade War Memorial 100th Birthday - Saturday 31st July 2021





It is pleasing to report that we are now gradually returning to normal holding various events the main one being our War Memorial.

Our Chair Mr. Mick McCafferty would like to say a few words. 

“The parade for celebrating the 100 years of the War Memorial and all the events that followed on Saturday 31st July was absolutely fantastic, our community really got behind it and supported us throughout the entire day (some into the late evening).   The Committee worked hard to ensure we covered all the bases but we could not have done it without you, our brilliant community.  Myself and the Committee would like to say a huge thank you for making it so special.  THANK YOU”

On the same theme, a big thank you must also be expressed to Mark Currell, Head Teacher of Roade Primary School and all the children who made poppies so that these could be put on the netting which was hung from the tree on the War Memorial – the poppies forming a 100.   We must also add that every poppy had a name on it in memory of someone in their family who had died in a war.

Arrangements are well in hand for our usual Day Trip, details of which will be sent out later on.

Our next  big event will be the Remembrance Parade which we hope will be another great success as this will be the first parade in nearly 3 years and it would be really nice to mark this with as many of our community attending as possible  – as you have done in  the past.

If you need any further information on the Branch, please feel free to contact the Secretary Brenda Rainbow on 01604 862866 or if you would like to join the Branch our Membership Secretary Sue Gardner on 01604 862770 would be very pleased to hear form you.   You do not have to have served in the forces to join the British Legion.