poppy field


The Poppy Appeal in Rishton

Rishton raised a huge total of £1,860.22 in 2010 Poppy Appeal Campaign.

Rishton's Poppy Appeal campaign in 2011 raised £1,669.84 down on the previous year, but great for the size of the village and limited business. Thank you !

Rishton in 2011 were the winners of the Tom Nuttall Memorial Trophy awarded to the branch which has the highest percentage increase in monies raised for the Poppy Appeal. In the same year Rishton were the first runner up of the George Haffner Poppy Trophy awarded to the Branch / District which has the highest percentage increase of monies raised for the Poppy Apeal over a 3 year period, a certificate was awarded.

So yet another huge thank you to Rishton residents and businesses and here's hoping we can bet this in 2012.

 Rishton Poppy Appeal 2012 raised £1,700.73, Thank you once again. Rishton Branch has shown its fundraising skills by once again improving on its Poppy Appeal total. So well done everybody, and a big Thank You to all the people of Rishton who have been so generous again.

Rishton RBL did not manage to raise as much for the Poppy Appeal in 2013 as they have done in previous years; raising £1,538.95 and put this down to the country's economic climate. The branch would like to say a big thank you to those who contributed their time & money, as the weather was not that good either.

Rishton residents and businesses did the poppy appeal proud in 2014 raising a total of £1,942.91. Thank you again to the volunteers and all those who supported us. The best we have ever raised todate!

In 2015 we were lucky enough to have some pupils volunteering to sell poppies from Norden High School, Rishton for the first time; as part of their Duke of Endinburgh Award. A thank you goes to Norden High School for their support and also to Morrison's supermarket of Blackburn who kindly donated sandwiches both Saturdays of poppy selling.

                                   Poppy  Appeal People

Anyone interested in helping in the next Poppy Appeal should contact our Poppy Appeal Co-ordinator Martin Green or Assistant Co-ordinator Carol Green