poppy field


Remembrance Sunday 13 November 2022

A number of Remembrance Services involving members of the Branch were held in  locations throughout the local area on Sunday, 13 November 2022.

Some reports as of today, 14 November 2022, are still outstanding and will be included as they are received.

Ayrshire Barracks

On Friday 11 November 2022 a Service was held in Ayrshire Barracks, Mönchengladbach. The Branch members were invited to attend. The Service was conducted by Rev. Stephen Walton. There was an excellent turnout comprising of Unit staff, visiting troops and some Branch members. This was followed by a curry lunch


Almost 100 people attended the Remembrance Service at the Rheinberg Military Cemetery.This Service was organised in it's entirety by our Branch. The British Consulate General, Polish Consul General and the Canadian Consul were present. A large number of our Branch members were present plus 13  Military, Civilian and Reservisten organisations. A large number of wreaths were laid. The Rev Stephen Walton conducted the Service. Musical accompaniment was provided by the Band of the Grenadier Guards,Kapellen e.V. and a Piper, Hans-Peter Brendgens. Support was provided by SEF(G) - many thanks. Following the Service a number of Branch members went to the Kolpinghaus for a curry lunch.


The three honorary attendees



Chris Farrell and Col (Retd) Steve Owen (Branch President). The latter bore the brunt of the organisation. of the Service.


Further Services were held in local German towns at which Branch members paid their respects by wreath laying.


The Service was organised by the German charitable club VdK, an organisation set up to provide help to the war wounded. It now provides a broader service to the public.

Dick Simmons attended the Service which culminated in German veterans and Dick saluting the pre-laid wreaths. The White Hackle Pipe Band from the Netherlands accompanied the Service. Accompanying music was also played and sung by a mandoline player and two guitarists.



A service was held in the local town of Wickrath. A report is still awaited. However a photograph has been received.