poppy field


We shall attempt to add as many local events as possible; where we can meet-up as a Branch or with other clubs and associations.

If you hear of anything which may be of interest to the members and local British community, please inform The Secretary, Alistair Clark.


The normal venue for your Branch General Meetings is the hall of  St Barbara's Church, 79 Benrather Strasse, Mnchengladbach.

In 2020 an AGM was not held due to the Covid 19 pandemic and until the pandemic is brought under control we may not use the Church Hall. The Church has forbidden gatherings in the Hall as necessitated.

The OC of Ayrshire Barracks has permitted the Branch to use the Conference Room for our meetings. This is greatly appreciated and was made use of on 14 Novmeber 2021 to hold the first AGM in two years.

Normally the Branch Annual General Meeting will be held in October of each year.  The location will be as shown above depending on the circumstances. You will be notified of the venue, date and time well in advance.


Any questions, please do not hesitate to contact The Secretary, Alistair Clark

Email: Rheindahlen.Secretary@rbl.community

Tel:  02161 660744