poppy field



A happy Easter to you all.  I am starting this report with Cath, our Welfare Officer’s, report as I think this is appropriate.

WELFARE - “Sadly this month we have lost 3 of our wonderful WW2 Veterans.  Firstly Henry Chappell who was a gunner in the Lancaster bomber.  We then lost Jack Tindall who served with the Irish Rangers and lastly Joan Jaggard who served with the ATS.  Joan was one of our longest serving members of Retford RBL and was an active member until illness and moving to Lound Hall Nursing home but she would always ask how we were doing when we visited. `

Jack's funeral is on Thursday 5 April at 1pm at Ollerton Crematorium and Joan's is on Wednesday 11 April at 3pm also at Ollerton.  Guard of honour would be appreciated at both please.

Ann and I visited Veterans in Ranby prison along with Brian Robinson.  Sadly only 2 veterans came to talk to us but it is still important that we visit.  What we need is some more of our veterans to come with us so the VIC's can talk to those of you who have served.”

What Cath has not mentioned in her report is that she received the A1 Housing Tenants & Residents Association Good Neighbour Award at a recent event in Retford.  This is something that Cath richly deserved as she keeps an eye on so many people as well as her work with the Legion.  Cath is highly respected for her work and her kindness and we are all so delighted for her.

STANDARD BEARER - Here we all are it is the back end of March, we have had the Spring Equinox, we have put the clocks forward by one hour to BST. And next it will be Easter...where has the month gone to? 

On the 12th of this month I attended the Commonwealth Day Service at Retford. The service was held on the Market Square. Despite the wet and breezy conditions the service was well attended and went very well. Later that day, I was informed that Worksop had their service indoors and they only went outside to raise the Commonwealth flag. 

QUIZ NIGHT - Judith Goodall - On 16th March 2018 around 70 people congregated at Babworth Road Sports and Social Club for the second of our quiz nights. With Ann and Tony on the door and June selling raffle tickets, those taking part were then able to settle in and buy drinks from the bar.  The first set of 25 questions (set by Cath and Judith) was followed by nibbles organised by Freda and during this interval more drinks could be purchased whilst giving thought to a light hearted puzzle where the two words in the  answers (apart from “to” in one of them), started with a “D”.  The raffle was drawn before we embarked on the second 25 questions. The answer sheets were then swapped for marking. The result of the Double D quiz was a draw between the teams from Retford Little Theatre and Bassetlaw Museum.  Following a tie break question the prizes went to the Retford Little Theatre team.  Bassetlaw Museum had their revenge, however, by winning the main quiz. They all gathered in their Easter Egg prizes, whilst the teams with the lowest score also got a consolation prize.

The evening is a light hearted event and we have had some lovely feedback, and at the end of the day it raised funds for the Branch.

The following we thought might be of interest to our Veterans as so many of you have interesting stories to tell and they need to be recorded and kept for the future.  We would be interested to hear if any of you took part in this.

“We of the Imperial War Museum Sound Archive are interested in interviewing as many as possible of your local veterans for our archive which is a huge collection of oral history covering British participation in all Twentieth and Twenty First Century warfare.  

The interviews are normally conducted in the informant’s home and a ‘session’ lasts about 2 hours at most. They cover background education, recruitment, training, routine role, special roles, events and of course active service deployments. We are particularly interested in Malaysia, Borneo, Cold War Germany deployments, Northern Ireland, the Falklands,  Iraq and Afghanistan service but we cover everything. Informants can retain copyright until death if necessary.  

The interviews are as ‘long as a piece of string’ – it all depends on length of career, memory and ability to express one’s self. The average would be about 4-5 sessions. On completion the informant gets a copy on CD and we could make arrangements for a digital copy to be deposited at your museum. It would be great if we could contact and interview some of your veterans. What I would need is a list of contacts with contact details and a very brief outline of their service. We would carry out the interviews during the visit on 2-4 April but then if there were more over the next year.  

Thank you in anticipation for your help with the work of the Imperial War museum

Peter Hart, Oral Historian, Imperial War Museum, 0797 393 1668”

GP90 - Tickets are booked and we have ordered two scrolls for the Branch Standard with Ypres 90 on them which will be sewn onto the Standard as soon as we have them. We are also ordering one of the special wreaths for Carl to lay for us. These are a standard pattern and we are not allowed to mess with them (!!).  It will have a ribbon on it with the Branch name on. 

STALLS - we have done one in March, which is the Lambing at Pusto Hill in Everton.   Jean and Martin who own Pusto Hill are very supportive of the Legion and never charge us for our stall and fed me, what more can a girl ask for.  We also took £110 which I was extremely pleased about.  At the April meeting I will have an up to date list of stalls and the chance to put names down to help. These stalls are so important, not only for fund raising, but for showing that there is a local Legion Branch (so many people do not know this) and we also get new members and volunteers for the Poppy Appeal.  So all help is gratefully received.

WALL HANGING - The pieces are now all in and Penny is about to start putting them together. I am so glad she is doing this and not me.  The standard of the pieces is fantastic - you will be amazed.  As you know it is officially being unveiled by the Lord Lieutenant on 11 October at the Museum. I think it will be a very full room that afternoon as there are 50 pieces and everyone who has contributed has been asked. Bearing in mind that we shall not be able to get all the Legion members in as well we are suggesting another evening when it will open to Legion members and their friends.  I am sure that tea and cakes can be served that time as well!!!

FISH & CHIP SUPPER - Wednesday 13 June - 6.00 for 6.30 - J & Ms Fish Restaurant - Tickets £6.00 - I have these now, so please book with me as soon as possible as there are only 50 places.

SPEAKERS - I am currently trying to sort out the speakers’ list.  Brian has kindly given me some ideas, but if you have a speaker you think would be suitable please let me know along with the contact details.

Best wishes  

Ann H.