poppy field


Poppy Appeal


Without doubt, the most important event in the R.B.L. calendar is the Poppy Appeal.

Following the success of our COVID-constrained donations system in 2020, the Committee has decided to request that donations continue to be made by Bank Transfer.

If donating in Euros:    IBAN                       -     PT50 0033 0000 4542 2390 8880 5

                                 ACCOUNT NAME       -    ASSOCIAÇÃO BRITISH LEGION PORTUGAL

                                  BIC/SWIFT              -     BCOMPTPL

                                  REFERENCE             -     PA – Location

If donating in Sterling:  SORT CODE             -     30 11 75

                                  ACCOUNT NUMBER   -     01937121

                                  ACCOUNT NAME       -     RBL POPPY APPEAL

                                  REFERENCE             -     BR3443 PA – Location

Where Location gives an indication of your location:-   Madeira; Lisbon; Porto; E.Algarve; C.Algarve or W.Algarve.

Use of the location will enable a level of analysis by ‘region’ within the Branch, which is easy to achieve with the ‘hard cash’ donations because we know where the boxes were located during Poppytide.

To print a Poppy Poster use this link