poppy field


The most recent AGM for the Royal British Legion Pawlett Branch was held on 16 November 2016, at the Pawlett RBL Club. Below we present the Treasurer's Report for the year 2015 / 2016, in the spirit of openness with our members.

General Account;

Opening Balance   £3239  
          Credit         Debit 
Income; Membership Fees £167  
  Donations £193  
  Rent from Club £3375  
  Wayleave £12  
  Transfer from BFI £3000  
Total Income:   £6747  
Expenditure; Welfare   £276
  Life Members Fees   £42
  Administration   £163
  Functions   £104
  RBL Shop   £414
Donations to; Dunkirk Memorial House   £1000
  Somerset Legion House   £1000
  Poppy Appeal   £100
  County Welfare Fund   £1000
Total Expenditure;     £4090
Closing Balance   £5896  


















 In addition, the Branch has a BFI Deposit Account (held at RBL Head Office) with £13,867 in it, and there is a Charitable Trust Fund (again held at Head Office) holding £85,606.


If anyone has any questions about the Branch accounts, or indeed anything to do with the Branch, you are welcome to write to the Committee with your question and we will do our very best to answer them. You can email them to pawlett.legion@gmail.com or write to us at;

Branch Secretary, Royal British Legion Branch, 29 Old Main Road, Pawlett, Somerset TA6 4RY