poppy field

Orihuela Costa


Pedro Mancebo, Deputy Mayor and Councillor for the Coast (Orihuela Costa), Paul Rodwell, District President and British Consul in Alicante, Robin Hargrave, District Poppy Appeal Co-ordinator and Chris Wyatt, District Chairman

The 2012 Poppy Appeal Launch for District North of The Royal British Legion was held on Wednesday 10th October with over 80 guests, members and friends attending.

The Torrevieja Pipes and Drums led the colourful procession of Standards carried by not only the local Legion Branches but also other Armed Forces associations in the area.  Local residents lined the streets as the parade marched past and into the very attractive gardens of The Abbey Tavern.


The Chairman of the District North Committee welcomed the District President and British Consul Paul Rodwell, together with Pedro Mancebo, local Deputy Mayor, other honoured guests and friends.  Chris explained “ a verse from the famous poem For the Fallen, written by Laurence Binyon in 1914, is read before every Legion event and meeting in order to re-affirm the Legion’s commitment to remember the sacrifices made for us all by all those men and women who gave their lives in conflict”

They shall grow not old

As we that are left grow old

Age shall not weary them nor the years condemn

At the going down of the sun and in the morning

We will remember them.

Following the Exhortation Paul Rodwell spoke of his support and how impressed he is by charities like The RBL who dedicate their time to assisting those who may be suffering in some way. 

Robin Hargrave, the District Poppy Appeal Co-ordinator then encouraged those present to help raise much needed funds to further the work of the charity.  Over 134,000€ was raised last year in our District of Spain and every cent goes to assisting present and former Armed Service personnel and their families in times of great need.  


Chris Wyatt ended by stating “The Legion is changing with the times. We are building new homes for the rehabilitation of mind and body.  We are planning to open centres where potential beneficiaries can come and receive advice and support  for all their needs so even if we cannot give immediate help, we can direct them to the correct agency who can. 

The Legion is now a Twitter and Facebook entity with films on YouTube so that we are well and truly embracing the electronic age in an effort to reach out to as many people as possible.  The Charity spends £1.7m a week on welfare and with Veterans who could be as young as 18, it can be seen that support from the Legion will be required for years to come. 

Please wear your poppy with pride - Our Service men and women deserve the best we can give them, help us to help them”

To find a Legion Branch locally, please go to www.britishlegion.org.uk/counties/spain-north or email secretary.rbl.dns@gmail.com