poppy field

Orihuela Costa

September 2013

The dedication took place at service held at the Capilla de las Mil Palmeras in the diocese of Pilar de la Horadada.

Standards of the Royal British Legion are always given a religious blessing, known as a ‘dedication’ before they are brought into use or carried on parade. The ceremony symbolises the principles and the objects of the RBL.

As such, having recently received their own new standard, the dedication ceremony was held last week for Spain District North. It took place at service held at the Capilla de las Mil Palmeras in the diocese of Pilar de la Horadada.

The event was well attended by RBL Members and Guests from all over Spain, with the small Catholic Church once again bursting at the seams.

The ceremony was conducted by the District Chaplain, Reverend Canon Terence Sampson , who lives in San Miguel de Salinas.

He began with prayers for the RBL which were followed by the pledge of service made by members. Thereafter the Standard was presented to Canon Terence by District Chairman Chris Wyatt, having previously been purchased and paid for by Chris and his wife Peggy. Following the short presentation the Standard was duly dedicated.

Carried by the District Ceremonial Officer, Keith Carter, the Standard was then paraded with the other RBL Standards that were on parade from the Orihuela Costa, Benidorm, Albox and the Hondon Valley.

The Royal British Legion Spain (North) consists of 18 branches covering an area from the French border in the north to Baza in Granada Province. The presentation of the Standard to the District was made on the occasion of the Chairman’s notification of his intention to retire from the post at the end of his current term.


Under the leadership of Chris Wyatt the Royal British Legion has flourished in Spain North in recent years culminating with the award at Annual Conference earlier in the year of the Maurice Cup, awarded, to the District deemed to have shown the most progress and greatest efficiency.

Adding to the success of the day was the magnificent spectacle of the Torrevieja Pipes and Drums, led by Pipe Major Alex Hunter and the music of the Phoenix Concert Band conducted by Julie Schofield. The last post and reveille were played by Derek Hayes.

Royal British Legion Branch members are involved in a number of different elements dealing with many welfare cases and raising much needed funding for the Poppy Appeal which is the next big event to take place here in Spain with the launch to take place in Benidorm on 16th October. This will be the first occasion that the District North Standard will be paraded.

The Orihuela Branch Chairman Keith Carter is currently appealing for a musician who can play the last post and reveille at the event. Free coach transport and a meal will be provided for the individual and partner. Call Keith on 965 32 8897 for further information.